Vernon Miles

Staff Reporter

Recent Stories

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Only Embark with Everyone in Mount Vernon Aboard

Residents concerned transportation revitalization could leave Mount Vernon affordability in the dust.

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Fort Hunt High School alumna Hoda Kotb becomes The Today Show co-anchor.

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In 2017, Alexandria Shelter Cared for 2,145 Animals

Euthanasia rate below state average.

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Focused on Improving Health of the Community

Neighborhood Health celebrates 20 years.

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Trouble Down the Metro Tracks

Regional Metro leadership outlines upcoming crisis.

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Tour de Mount Vernon

Storck describes annual Mount Vernon bike tour.

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Route 1: A Transit Story

Problems and solutions to Mount Vernon’s Route 1 woes

Mass for First Responders

Honoring those who “put their lives on the line.”

Honoring those who “put their lives on the line.”

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