‘Truly Helping Our Neighbors’ in Mount Vernon
Good Shepherd Housing raises $260,000 at Transforming Lives gala.

Seeds of Change at Volunteer Fairfax
Volunteer Fairfax honors service award-winners at 25th annual ceremony

Burke, Lorton: Fair Winds takes back-to-back Best Local Brewery titles
Fair Winds Brewery wins title

Uncertainty Amid Growth
Federal spending, interest rates, employment patterns feature at Mount Vernon-Lee Economic Outlook summit.
Mount Vernon-Lee Economic Outlook summit.

Uncertainty Amid Growth
Federal spending, interest rates, employment patterns feature at Mount Vernon-Lee Economic Outlook summit

Fairfax County: FCPS to Present FY2018 Budget to Supervisors April 4
School system facing nearly $50 million gap in funding.
Leading up to the Fairfax County Public School Board presenting its advertised FY2018 budget to the Board of Supervisors Tuesday, April 4, several school board members and supervisors have been hosting community meetings on the subject.
Fairfax County: Gillespie Wins GOP Straw Poll for Governor at Robinson
More than 300 voters attended a Fairfax County Republican Committee straw poll and candidate forum on March 25, according to FCRC executive director Eric Johnson. The event was held at Robinson Secondary School.

Fairfax County: Community and faith leaders, elected officials speak about hate speech, bias incidents and hate crimes
More than 100 people filled the Ernst Cultural Center at Northern Virginia Community College’s Annandale Campus on Sunday, March 26, to hear more than a dozen elected and faith leaders, as well as representatives from local organizations speak about hate speech, bias incidents and hate crimes.

Fairfax County Breaks Ground on Huntington Levee
$30 million project will protect community from flooding.

Community Policing, Not Sanctuary, in Fairfax County
Resurgent gang activity also discussed at Public Safety Committee.

Fairfax Weathers Late Winter Snow
Weather Service announces snowfall totals, most saw 2-3 inches
Snowpocalypse 3.0 it wasn’t. Though Fairfax County was included in a winter storm warning Monday and Tuesday, March 13 and 14, the snow that fell only managed to close schools and cancel trash, recycling and yard waste pickup, but didn’t shut down local government.

Committed to Peacemaking
Student Peace Awards of Fairfax County reception honors activists and advocates.
Suraya Sadeed said hearing more than 20 stories of students promoting peace in and out of their schools made her believe “there is still hope for a brighter future.”
First Taste of Working World
Teen Job Fairs begin this weekend.
Supervisor Pat Herrity (R-Springfield) said his first job working at a pool over the summer formed a lot of his work ethic.

Mount Vernon-Lee Chamber Hears Route 1 Update
Public information meeting scheduled for April 18
Widening of Route 1 over three miles between Jeff Todd Way and Napper Road is still in the preliminary design phase.
Recruiting for New West Potomac Principal Begins
West Potomac High School parents and community members can attend a March 20 meeting regarding the process for selecting a new principal, Region 3 assistant superintendent Terry Dade announced.
Gathering in Opposition to Trump Immigration Policies
Leaders condemn ICE activity outside Rising Hope Church.
Speaking out against Trump immigration policies

Chief Releases Name of Officer in Shooting Death
Officer used deadly force in two prior cases, both determined to be lawfully justified.
Fairfax County Chief of Police Edwin Roessler has named 16-year veteran Master Police Officer Lance Guckenberger as the officer who used deadly force, killing Mohammad Azim Doudzai at his home in Herndon, the scene of a double shooting and barricade incident on Jan. 16.
Rising Hope Minister Invited to Joint Congressional Session
U.S. Sen. Mark Warner critical of ICE activity.
U.S. Sen. Mark Warner (D) invited the Rev. Dr. Keary Kincannon of Rising Hope Mission Church to be his guest for President Donald Trump’s address to a joint session of Congress on Feb. 28.
West Potomac's Case Resigns, Assistant Lyttle Still on Leave
After announcing West Potomac High School principal Alex Case and assistant principal Michelle Lyttle were on administrative leave Feb. 13, Region 3 assistant superintendent Terry Dade sent a letter to the West Potomac community Feb. 24 informing them of Case’s resignation.

Lorton House Fire Leaves Child Dead
Fire declared accidental, started with a lighter in garage
A 5-year-old child is dead after a fire Feb. 21 in the 8100 block of Arcade Street in Lorton; the cause of the fire was the child playing with a lighter in the garage, Fairfax County Fire & Rescue said.

Fairfax County Board Appoints Police Civilian Review Panel
Residents can submit complaints concerning allegations of abuse of authority or misconduct by Fairfax County police through the panel.
The ongoing goal of increased transparency and accountability for the Fairfax County Police Department now has nine fresh faces. On Tuesday, Feb. 28, the Board of Supervisors announced its appointees to the inaugural Civilian Review Panel, one of the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Police Practices Review Commission.

Prayer Vigil at ICE Office
Rising Hope pastor speaks about arrests outside church.
On the morning of Feb. 8, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers showed up across the street from Rising Hope Mission Church on Russell Road in the Mount Vernon area of Alexandria.

Chief to Release Name of Officer in Herndon Shooting
Risk assessment is complete.
The risk assessment of the officer involved in the fatal Jan. 16 shooting of Mohammad Azim Doudzai is now finished, according to a Feb. 24 release from Fairfax County Police.

Prayer Vigil at ICE Office
Rising Hope pastor speaks about arrests outside church.
Rising Hope Mission Church holds vigil at U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Officers Rescue Bald Eagle
Bald eagle is rescued
County Names Police Auditor
New Fairfax County police auditor
Fairfax County NAACP Hosting Community Gathering
The NAACP of Fairfax County is hosting a community and Black History Month commemoration on Saturday, Feb. 25.

Lorton: Fire Extinguished at Waste Facility
Covanta spokesperson James Regan said one Fairfax County Fire engine remained at the Covanta Fairfax Waste to Energy Facility on Furnace Road in Lorton to assist with the process of removing waste from the refuse pit and tipping floor, to ensure all the hot spots are doused. A two-alarm blaze began there Thursday evening, Feb. 2.

Fairfax County Names First Independent Police Auditor
Richard G. Schott, a 27-year veteran of the FBI, was appointed by the Board of Supervisors to be Fairfax County’s first-ever independent police auditor.
New Acting Principal at West Potomac High School
West Potomac High School principal Alex Case and assistant principal Michelle Lyttle are both on administrative leave.
Storck Holds Back Bock Farm Decision
Supervisor Dan Storck (D-Mount Vernon) has asked to again postpone Board of Supervisors action on development for the Bock, or Hinson, Farm property in Mount Vernon.

Fear Follows ICE Enforcement
Men said to be detained after leaving Mount Vernon shelter.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Mount Vernon.
FCPS Adopts $2.8 Billion Budget for FY2018
5.1 percent increase from 2017 prioritizes compensation and classroom resources.
The Fairfax County School Board formally adopted interim Superintendent Steve Lockard’s proposed $2.8 billion operating budget at its Feb. 9 meeting, following several work sessions and public hearings on the matter.
Chief Still Withholding Officer’s Name in Fatal Herndon Shooting
Temporary restraining order to not release name vacated by judge.
Fairfax County chief of police Edwin Roessler has yet to release the name of the 16-year veteran officer who fatally shot Mohammad Azim Doudzai, 32, at his Herndon-area home on Jan. 16 this year.

Burke, Fairfax, Springfield: Bicycle Improvements Proposed for Braddock and Springfield Districts
Howard Albers of Springfield was encouraged by what he saw at the community meeting discussing proposed road striping changes in Braddock and Springfield Districts on Jan. 24.

Lee District Leaders Hold Legislative Town Hall
Elected officials Del. Mark Sickles (D-43), Sen. George Barker (D-39) and Supervisor Jeff McKay (D-Lee) hosted a Lee District town meeting Jan. 28 at Island Creek Elementary School near the Kingstowne area of Alexandria.

Mount Vernon Town Meeting Features 3D Flying Tour
Bulova and Storck dismiss creating Muslim registry.
The 30th annual Mount Vernon town meeting on Feb. 4.

A Look Inside Fairfax County Police Diversity Training
Commanders hear speeches on openness, forgiveness, professionalism.
West Springfield District Police Commander Cpt. Gervais T. Reed said when police officers leave the profession, some are in good shape, others are bitter.

Fairfax County: Body-Worn Cameras for Police Coming Closer
Policy addressing privacy, mental health, metrics needed before pilot begins.
Fairfax County Police could have a body-worn camera program for officers up and running as early as the fall. That’s what Police Chief Edwin Roessler and the Board of Supervisors Public Safety Committee discussed at the committee’s first meeting of 2017 on Jan. 31.
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