Meeting on Georgetown Pike/Great Falls Library Pedestrian Refuge Improvements

Crosswalk project heads toward finalization

A community meeting on Thursday, Jan. 30, at the Great Falls Grange brought the Georgetown Pike - Great Falls Library Pedestrian Refuge Improvements project closer to its construction start date. For more information, visit the project webpage.

Project Manager Mohamad El Kaissi of the Fairfax County Department of Transportation presented the planned design requirements to the Great Falls Citizens Association members, interested residents, and Supervisor Jimmy Bierman (D-Dranesville).

The 2025 plan is to install a high-visibility crosswalk, pedestrian crossing warning signs, ADA curb ramps, Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons and a pedestrian refuge island, FCDOT states online. 

“The project also includes minor sidewalk extensions and minor drainage improvements east of the intersection of Georgetown Pike and Great Falls Shopping Center, removing the right turn lane to Great Falls Library, and curb extensions to reduce crossing distance. Other improvements are updated - new pavement markings and signage at the entrance to the Great Falls Library.

The project aims to make library trips safer and easier for vulnerable road users. The National Safety Council broadly defines a vulnerable road user as anyone not protected by an outside shield, like a car. The term includes pedestrians, cyclists, those in wheelchairs, strollers, and the like.

The project is part of Fairfax County's  $100 Million allocation for active transportation projects. and is fully funded at $895,000. Fairfax County Department of Transportation staff expects project completion in spring 2027.

Dranesville Supervisor Jimmy Bierman attended and participated. An online survey for project feedback is open until Friday, Feb. 14.