Mount Vernon District Supervisor’s Office: Through an Intern’s Lens

This summer, I had the opportunity to intern at Mount Vernon District Supervisor Dan Storck’s office. As my last week comes to a close, I wanted to reflect and share with you my time at the District office and what I have learned.

As a public relations and political science major, I have always had an interest in government, and living so close to D.C. only increased it. I had learned about the federal and state government in school, but never anything relating to the local level. After I got this internship, I was eager to see what I had been missing. It’s safe to say that this experience has opened my eyes to all that happens in local government and how involved teens and young adults can be. 

Quickly I learned that I never quite grasped how big Fairfax County is and how local governing works. Interning for a Board office provided me with the knowledge about how this County functions and what my role is, not just as a resident, but as a young adult. One of the projects that I worked on was expanding the Supervisor’s social media by making posts and videos geared toward teens and young adults. This was hands down one of my favorite parts about this experience. I love all things social media, so playing around with different types of posts and videos was a highlight of this summer. It started with posting the Mount Vernon Favorites summer series and quickly morphed into making intern “day in the life” videos and much more. 

Coming into this office was intimidating, I didn’t know what to expect. From reading the job description, I knew it would be a fast paced environment, but I wanted to challenge myself. Team MVD welcomed me with open arms, and I have gained invaluable lessons from each one of them. It was the perfect internship experience for what I am studying in school. Each member of the team was extremely welcoming and gave me the opportunity to learn and ask questions about projects and their roles. I have become more well-rounded not just in my District but with local government in general.

This job gave me the opportunity to work on multiple projects, sit in on meetings with other County agencies and officials, and make connections with residents. I have had the pleasure of working with Neighborhood and Community Services, Fairfax County Department of Transportation, Fairfax County Park Authority and many more. During my time, I worked on the monthly newsletter, wrote to constituents, planned events, created posts for social media platforms and learned office skills. I know that the knowledge and advice I have taken from each staff member will greatly benefit me in my future career endeavors. 

One of the greatest lessons I have learned from my internship is the art of connection. Local government is all about connecting with people and making them feel heard. In the Mount Vernon District Supervisor’s office, I witnessed this firsthand. Team MVD is immensely dedicated to their jobs and want to connect with each resident and community group. They are here to help you!

Over the weeks that I’ve been here, I have learned how easy it is for young people to get involved in local government. It is a great place to start if you are interested in your community or just want to learn more about Fairfax County in general. There are tons of meetings and events you can attend if you want to talk to officials, learn more or make your voice heard. I have found that on a local level, it is easier to make genuine connections with staff and officials than it is on a state or federal level. 

As I finish my reflection, I want to thank the Mount Vernon District team for giving me this opportunity to learn more about local government and more about my community. I encourage young people and anyone in the community to connect with Team MVD through social media, the website and the monthly newsletter. All can be found on