Friday, March 4, 2022
Arnold will oversee the Police Department, the Fire and Rescue Department, the Department of Emergency Management and Security, the Department of Public Safety Communications and the Department of Animal Sheltering … He will receive an annual salary of $215,000, according to Fairfax County.
Arnold was the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department's (FRD) assistant fire chief since 2020. He worked as senior advisor to the chief and liaison to other county departments. Arnold supervised the Fiscal Services Division, Data Analytics Strategy Management Division, Information Technology Division, Public Information Office, Health and Wellness Section, and Planning Section of the FRD.
Arnold holds numerous certifications, never stopping learning. Three years ago, he was awarded the Executive Fire Officer designation from the National Fire Academy. The program reportedly "is intense and involves taking four graduate and upper-division-baccalaureate equivalent courses over a four-year period," according to a post on FRD’s Facebook page. Additionally, Arnold has received several performance and accomplishment awards for his service. Arnold published papers on topics relating to fire and rescue.
Arnold began Fairfax County career 21 years ago as a firefighter in 2001. He advanced through the ranks to become a lieutenant, captain, battalion commander, and deputy chief. Arnold received a Master of Science in executive fire service leadership from Grand Canyon University. He holds a Bachelor of Science in business administration from Pennsylvania State University.