Cleaning Up Microplastics Before They Get Into Waterways

Cleaning Up Microplastics Before They Get Into Waterways

 On Nov. 13, 21 volunteers cleaned up trash along the Potomac River shoreline at Belle Haven Park and in Dyke Marsh. The group focused on small or micro plastics and styrofoam pieces, and collected 16 bags of trash in two hours. Small pieces of trash are typically difficult to collect, but important because birds, fish and other wildlife mistake them for food and eat them, which can be lethal.

National Park Service Volunteer Coordinator Trudy Roth; Friends of Dyke Marsh Board members, Meg Jonas and Carolyn Bednarek. 


The day before, a volunteer found this huge piece of styrofoam in Dyke Marsh. Styrofoam breaks apart into smaller and smaller pieces.