Children's & Teens' Connection 2021

Please send all submissions via email by Friday, Dec. 3. This edition publishes Dec 15.

During December of each year, this newspaper devotes its pages to the creativity of local students and children. The results are always remarkable. It is a keepsake edition for many families. 

We welcome contributions from public and private schools, art classes, families, individuals and homeschoolers. We publish every kind of artwork that can be submitted to us as a jpeg, poetry, essays, creative writing, opinion pieces, short stories, photography, photos of sculpture or gardens or other creative efforts.

Pandemic planning has made for a short deadline, and, like everything else, the 2021 Children’s Connections will be different than in the past.

For 2021, please send a curated collection of art from your class. We will do our best, but we are unlikely to be able to print every item submitted. Please include the first and last name of the student with each submission.

We ask that all submissions be digital so they can be sent through email. Writing should be submitted in .docx format or in google doc. If you are sharing a google doc with us, please turn on link sharing so that anyone with the link can edit the document and share with Artwork should be photographed or scanned and provided in jpeg format.

Some suggestions, but different ideas are welcome:

  • Drawings or paintings or photographs of your family, friends, pets or some favorite activity. These should be photographed or scanned and submitted in jpeg format. Photos of sculpture or larger art projects are also welcome. Holiday themes are also encouraged.

  • Short answers, 100-200 words on: If you could give your parents, family or friends any gift that didn't cost money what would that gift be? What are you most looking forward to in the upcoming year? What do you want to be when you grow up? What is your favorite animal or food or toy? Describe a good friend. Describe one of the best gifts you've ever given or received. Discuss a hobby or sport that you are involved in. Your opinion about any topic.

  • Poetry or other creative writing.

To be published, we must have the full first and last name of the student artist or writer.

Identify each piece of writing or art, including the student's full name, age, grade and town of residence, plus the name of the school, name of teacher and town of school location. 

Home schoolers’ contributions are welcomed.

Please send all submissions via email by Friday, Dec. 3, 2021. The Children's & Teens' editions will publish on Dec. 15, 2021.

You can see the 2019 editions (pre-pandemic) by visiting and scrolling down to Children’s Edition. You may also see the 2020 editions at the bottom of this email.

Email submissions for the Children's Editions to 

For advertising, please email Debbie Funk at