Upgrades at Martin Luther King Jr. Park in Mount Vernon

Playground in Gum Springs gets upgrades that may be used on more county parks.

Over nearly 30 years, playground standards have changed and the equipment needs to be upgraded, so Fairfax County officials are doing just that in Martin Luther King Jr. park. Children need a safe place to play in the Gum Springs area of Mount Vernon.


The park was built in the 1990s at a time when there were different requirements of park safety, and this came to the attention of the county, so an upgrade was scheduled. 

“Some of the current safety standards were not met,” said Project Manager Isabel Villarroel. There were drainage issues and the location was close to the parking lot, which can create a danger if children wander, so a new fence is being put in too.

All the park equipment will be age-appropriate. Some of the equipment is for 2-5-year-old children, while other equipment is for the 5-12 year olds. They are also installing accessibility features that may not have been required or available in the 1990s.

Gum Springs resident Ebony Taylor called it an “excellent idea for the county,” and pointed at her two-year-old. “I think it’s a great idea, really good for his age group,” she said.

The swing set on the eastern end of the playground has eight swings.


The $212,000 project began in September and is scheduled to be completed by the end of November. Martin Luther King Jr. Park is located at 8115 Fordson Road, which is close to the Gum Springs Community Center and the Audubon Trailer Park.

Park upgrades like this are being considered for the southern part of Fairfax County, said Villarroel, particularly in the Springfield and Mount Vernon districts. It is a topic the Park Authority Board will be looking at this fall, added Villarroel.

If You Go...

Martin Luther King Jr. Park is located at 8115 Fordson Road in Mount Vernon.