Opinion: Commentary: Joyfully Back in School in Mount Vernon

Jon Gates, Principal of Hollin Meadows Elementary, captured the mood of being back in school starting last week in an email to parents:

This past week our school was a joyful place as we welcomed back in-person first and second grade students to the building. Our students and teachers have done a phenomenal job transitioning back to in-person learning and we all are feeling a renewed sense of hope for the days ahead. We appreciate your continued support as we adapt to the concurrent learning model (teaching in-person and online students at the same time).

It is hard to believe that it has been exactly one year since Covid-19 changed our world forever. It would be an huge understatement to say that this past year has been a challenging one for our students, teachers, and families. I know that many things have not been ideal, or what we expected, however, I must personally thank each of you who have persevered through the uncertainties and navigated the choppy waters with us. We appreciate the patience, grace, and understanding you have extended to us during this trying year.

For third through sixth grade parents who have elected to have their student return to in-person learning, please reference recent correspondence regarding days attending, arrival and dismissal procedures, supplies and other pertinent information for next week's transition.

We have been accepting requests from families to change their students from virtual to in-person learning. We have approved many of these requests depending on space in classrooms. On March 26, Hollin Meadows, along with all schools in FCPS will no longer accept requests for changes from virtual to in-person learning.

As always, we appreciate the continued support and understanding from our great school community. Please contact me directly if there is anything our school team can do to support your student and family.

Here's to another fantastic "first" day back for some of our 3rd-6th grade students next Tuesday, March 16 or Thursday, March 18.