Opinion: Commentary: Ebbin: Bennett-Parker Is Best Choice for Delegate

Democratic primary voters in the 45th House of Delegates District (parts of Alexandria, south Arlington and Mount Vernon) will choose their nominee for Delegate on Tuesday, June 8. I am endorsing Elizabeth Bennett-Parker because I need a partner in Richmond who will be an effective and collaborative Delegate.

Elizabeth has done the hard, often thankless work that makes government work for the people. Whether it’s working with women re-entering society, delivering transportation solutions as chair of the Virginia Railway Express (VRE) Board, or on the City Council where she helped formulate the city’s thoughtful pandemic response, particularly regarding food insecurity, Vice Mayor Bennett-Parker has already delivered real results in the 45th district and earned the respect of those who work with her.

Vice Mayor Bennett-Parker’s personal, impactful record of results is the product of her attentive, forward thinking approach to leadership. You will rarely hear her take credit for these accomplishments because she is already on to the next pressing issue, listening to those she represents and doggedly fighting for their interests. This is reflected throughout her campaign, which has charted out a path to more affordable healthcare, resilient local infrastructure, and stronger educational opportunities for every student.

The elected officials who know the candidates best are joining me in supporting Elizabeth Bennett-Parker. She is endorsed by an array of local officials including former 45th District Delegates Rob Krupicka and Marian Van Landingham; Alexandria City Council Members John Taylor Chapman, Del Pepper and former Council Member Tim Lovain; former Mayor Bill Euille; Arlington County Board members Katie Cristol, Libby Garvey, and Matt de Ferranti; Mount Vernon Supervisor Dan Storck and other community leaders like former Alexandria NAACP president Christopher Harris, former Fairfax Democratic Chair Dan Lagana and Former Virginia Deputy Education Secretary David Temple. These leaders know what it takes to be effective in Richmond and believe Elizabeth to be an outstanding choice.

I know Elizabeth will continue to work hard for the people she represents, as she does in her current position as Alexandria's Vice Mayor, and be a strong, effective advocate for the progressive values of the 45th House District. I am respectfully asking 45th District voters to join me in voting for Elizabeth Bennett-Parker on or before June 8. She is the dedicated leader this district deserves, and the effective partner I need in Richmond to deliver meaningful results for the people of Alexandria, Arlington and Mount Vernon.