Supervisor Dan Storck 2nd Saturday Office Hours

January 11, 2021

Mount Vernon District office, 2511 Parkers Lane, Mount Vernon, VA, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Supervisor Storck is available for phone and video calls, as well as in-person meetings with proper social distancing, during his regular 2nd Saturday office hours. Contact or 703-780-7518 for more details and to schedule a meeting.

34th Annual Mount Vernon Town Meeting

When: Saturday, February 6, 2021

Where: Live Virtually on Channel 16, the County's Livestream and Facebook

Time: 9 a.m. – noon

Program: Speakers, Audience Q&A’s and Virtual Tour

Meet your Supervisor and County, state and federal leaders. Have your questions answered, learn about issues important to you and connect with County agencies and community service providers. The highlight of the morning will be taking a “virtual flying tour” of all that is happening in the District with your “pilot” Supervisor Storck.

Speakers: Board of Supervisors Chairman Jeff McKay, County Executive Bryan Hill, Mount Vernon District School Board Member Karen Corbett Sanders and other community leaders. More to be announced soon.

Watch live on Facebook and Channel 16. There will also be a live, interactive video link coming soon! You can even ask questions during the Q & A sessions by emailing us at, commenting on Facebook or Tweeting us @DanStorck. Use #MVTM2021! Have plans for Saturday and want to watch it later? The video will remain on Facebook for viewing at your convenience and replay on Channel 16.