Mount Vernon Letter: New Taxes Should Be Last Option

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

All governments need tax revenue to administer essential programs and services. Therefore, they should be very frugal in their decisions to spend the taxes collected from hardworking taxpayers. They also should ensure that all programs and services are essential and run efficiently and effectively before raising or asking for new taxes.

But, does Fairfax County follow those standards? Keep the following in mind when you go to vote on the meals tax question.

In the last two to three years the Board of Supervisors (BOS) spent $10 million on bonuses to employees whether they earned it or not, spent $30 million to bail out of a bank because it did not have a secure loan from an arts foundation in Lorton, bought property at prices substantially higher than assessed value, the county subsidized housing in plush communities where units are valued from $800,00 to $1 million. Also, BOS gave themselves a hefty pay raise to $95,000 per year, although they were being paid substantially more than surrounding jurisdictions.

I sent the BOS an email before the 2017 budget hearings setting forth major programs and services that should be evaluated before any taxes are raised and that email was ignored not even extending me the courtesy of an acknowledgement. Unless the BOS can assure us that all programs and services are essential and are administered efficiently and at the least cost, stop wasting money, no new taxes should be imposed. Raising or adding new taxes should be the last option not the first.

Frank Medico

Mt. Vernon Virginia