Fairfax County Public Schools Beat Virginia On-Time Graduation Rate

The Virginia Department of Education has released graduation rates for school systems around the Commonwealth. Fairfax County Public Schools had 92.3 percent of its 2016 class graduate on time, compared with the state average 91.3 percent.

On-time graduation in Virginia is defined by four years of student information, including students moving, changes in enrollment, special education students and students with limited English proficiency.

To qualify for the VDOE’s accounting of “on-time graduation” for 2016, a student must have entered as a freshman in the 2012-2013 school year. In four years or fewer, they must then have earned one of the several diplomas recognized by the VDOE.

About 62 percent of FCPS students earned one of the different advanced studies diplomas -- advanced studies, International Baccalaureate -- while the Virginia average was 51.7 percent in 2016.

More information on the VDOE releases is available here.