Wednesday, April 27, 2016
To the Editor:
As another resident of Stratford Landing who is being temporarily inconvenienced by the current repaving operation, I wish to enter my approval for the operation. Because of previous operations to repair our gas lines and as the result of several repairs of leaks to water lines and gas lines there are many (many always being a debatable point) places in our neighborhood where the roads are beginning to sag and the surfaces are beginning to crumble, especially in the older sections of this development. The section most in need of work is on Elkin Street, which is more in need of rebuilding that repaving.
If one needs to explain the dangers of over deferred maintenance, one only needs to look at was is happening to our local rapid rail system. And as one who never worked on a road crew for a summer job, I am not in a position to address the efficiency of the current operation.
John Dickert