Mount Vernon Brief: Community Champion Named

Storck honors Fitzsimmons of Alice’s Kids.

District Supervisor Dan Storck (D-Mount Vernon) named Alice’s Kids Executive Director and founder Ron Fitzsimmons his 2016 Community Champion, an honor typically bestowed at the Fairfax County Volunteer Service Awards. Fitzsimmons couldn’t attend this year’s awards so Storck recognized him in a ceremony at the Mount Vernon District Government Center on April 4.

Alice’s Kids takes referrals from United Community Ministries, school social workers and other sources of young boys and girls whose self-esteem could benefit from individual items such as new shoes, bus fare, beds, summer camp tuition or coats.

“We pay for the small intangibles,” Fitzsimmons said in a 2015 interview. “The contribution is typically a quick action on our part to fulfill a commitment that enables a needy child to realize a dream, goal or benefit,” Fitzsimmons said.

In 2015, Fitzsimmons said Alice’s Kids was able to help 269 children.

With regards to being named Community Champion, Fitzsimmons said, “I am honored to be recognized,” in an email. “There are so many amazing community activists in Mount Vernon, I am humbled that Supervisor Storck selected me.”