Mount Vernon: Quilters Unlimited Help UCM

Members of the Mount Vernon chapter of Quilters Unlimited of Northern Virginia spent their summer crafting blankets and quilts to donate to families and children at United Community Ministries (UCM). On Sept. 2, the chapter delivered more than 40 one-of-a-kind handmade items to UCM.

At-risk families in UCM’s Healthy Families Fairfax program receive donated quilts as they go through the multi-year program with their Family Support Workers who make home visits to teach positive parenting skills. Also receiving quilts are families in UCM’s transitional housing program, which currently includes 23 young children. These are families fleeing domestic violence situations who benefit from services including counseling, case management, and life skills, with the goal of healing and independent living.

The Mount Vernon Quilters meet Tuesdays at 12:30 p.m. at Hollin Hall Senior Center, 1500 Shenandoah Road, Alexandria. For more information about the group, visit or email

Those interested in hosting a collection drive or other similar project for UCM families and children should contact Susan Johnson at or call 5771-255-8992.