Mount Vernon Brief: MVHS To Host School Budget Information Meeting

Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is encouraging the public to help in the development of the FY 2017 budget. Because projected costs for items such as enrollment growth, state mandated retirement, health insurance costs, and employee salary increases are outpacing projected revenues, FCPS anticipates a significant budget shortfall for school year 2016-17 (FY 2017). To balance the budget, FCPS may have to cut, reduce, or redesign current programs.

As part of the budget process, ideas on what to cut, reduce, or redesign as well as how to increase revenue through fees have been developed by the Budget Task Force with input from the community.

Community members are able to submit specific proposals for how to balance the budget using a “Budget Proposal Tool” available at The proposals submitted via the Budget Proposal Tool will be shared with the Budget Task Force for their review prior to making a recommendation to the superintendent in October. The information will also be shared with the superintendent and School Board.

For those who would like to learn more about the FCPS budget prior to using the Budget Proposal Tool, FCPS has scheduled Community Information Sessions on the FY 2017 budget. FCPS staff will provide an overview of the budget and demonstrate how to use the Budget Proposal Tool. All the information that will be presented will be available at

An information session will be held Saturday, Sept. 12, 10 a.m. to noon, at Mount Vernon High School, 8515 Old Mt Vernon Road.