Mount Vernon: New Hope Housing Receives ‘Housing First’ Award

New Hope Housing Executive Director Pamela L. Michell accepted the “Housing First” award on Aug. 26 from the Virginia Coalition to End Homelessness (VCEH) on behalf of New Hope Housing at the “Housing Virginia’s Most Vulnerable” conference in Richmond.

The award was created by VCEH to recognize a “Virginia housing/homelessness assistance provider who has demonstrated a strong commitment to the housing first approach to ending homelessness through successful implementation of best practice programs.” New Hope Housing was nominated for this award by Shannon Steene, executive director of Carpenter’s Shelter in Alexandria

New Hope Housing was recognized with this award for its long history of providing Housing First services for homeless people in its community. The Housing First philosophy recognizes permanent housing as the first and primary solution to homelessness and is designed to place a person or household experiencing homelessness in permanent housing as quickly as possible, regardless of physical, mental health, or substance use disability, or other barrier to housing.

New Hope Housing operates several Permanent Supportive Housing programs under the Housing First guidelines, serving 81 single adults and 15 families. These include three group homes, a building with 20 efficiency apartments, and many rented scattered site apartments.

The Virginia Coalition to End Homelessness is a statewide nonprofit organization focused on advocacy, education and technical assistance. See

New Hope Housing is a nonprofit agency providing shelter, transitional and permanent supportive housing, outreach and support services for homeless families and single adults in Fairfax County, City of Alexandria, Arlington County, and City of Falls Church. See