Letter: Much Done, Much To Do

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

It has been an honor to serve Mount Vernon District residents for many years. We have accomplished much together as you can see at my website, DanStorck.org, with much more to be done.

Recent Gazette letters in their campaign season harshness have grossly misrepresented the quality and ethics of our schools, teachers, students’ substantial achievements, parents’ power to choose for their child and our work together. They want to discard the needs-based staffing I secured, essential to our lower class sizes and student progress, and brush over the real harm that spending fewer real dollars per student than a decade ago and $2-6,000 less per student than most surrounding school districts has caused. While funding from the state has decreased, poverty levels and state testing standards continue to increase. Even so, our very diverse schools have vastly increased the number of student job-ready skills certifications, advanced courses completions and graduation rates. Our thousands of students who choose college are very successful there.

Mount Vernon District’s future is tied to our continued revitalization of schools, highways and businesses while protecting our heritage and empowering our seniors. School revitalizations are occurring as I have built or funded five new schools and 18 District-related school additions and renovations. Our students are performing better than ever.

Transportation changes are underway, with many thanks to the leadership of Toddy Puller and Scott Surovell’s efforts at the state. With their advocacy and that of Senator Ebbin, Chairman Bulova, Supervisors McKay and Hyland, myself and others, more Route 1 congestion relief improvement funding has come. I am deeply committed to eliminating the predatory car title lenders, further widening of Route 1 and bringing Metro to Fort Belvoir.

As a third generation entrepreneur with a Masters in Business Administration, I understand business and job creation. Leveraging the job-growing benefits of our two major hospital complexes and our high school’s Governors Health Care Academy in the fastest growing sector of our economy will be one key, one that my health care background has well prepared me to do. As your leader, I have built key relationships with other important area job growth sectors including our many heritage sites and Fort Belvoir. All of which are expected to double in size over the next years.

Yes, there is much more to be done, and I am prepared and ready from day one to get it done. This Tuesday, Nov. 3, I once again ask for your support. I will continue to apply the leadership skills that have proven so successful for our community and never stop listening to and working for you. My 25 years of leadership, passion and commitment to serving Mount Vernon District as a leader who gets things done has never been stronger. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.

Dan Storck

Supervisor Candidate

Mt. Vernon District