Letter: Excitement for Education

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Some time ago my condominium association leadership asked that I represent our community on the Mt. Vernon Council of Civic Association’s Education Committee. I was reasonably prepared for this, having served as a Fairfax County special needs classroom teacher, administrator, principal, and subsequently in state policy leadership and executive management. Arriving there I found an earnest group of parents, leaders, educators and others who seek to support Mt. Vernon learners. A standout among them was Karen Corbett Sanders.

I engaged her in conversations afterwards, learning of her corporate executive leadership posts both here and abroad, her PTA presidencies, and her full spectrum of knowledge from special student needs, classroom teacher issues, advanced academic programs, parental engagement, bringing disparate ideas together to form a consensus, to her clarity of understanding that music, art, sports, career skills training, etc., provide deep and essential enrichment to learning for all students and families.

Those of us who have worked with young learners know that when parents, teachers and administrators surround students in atmosphere of high expectations, the inevitable outcomes include student achievement, teacher professional growth, and community satisfaction with the learning environment. Karen knows that.

Some view Mt. Vernon’s cultural, racial, religious and economically diverse student and family populations as problems. Karen views these as opportunities. She wants to engage and focus our District residents’ largely untapped intellectual and innovative heft into meaningful citizen collaborations. Mt. Vernon’s vast array of educational, corporate, military, historical, career retirees, governmental and other volunteers, can begin to make our schools a proud model for the county.

I believe that her proven capacity to plan strategically, to recruit others to follow her lead, and her genuine excitement for education and community endeavor can help make this a productive new period of pride.

And perhaps, one of good old-fashioned fun as well.

Please vote for Karen Corbett Sanders for School Board, Mt. Vernon District.

David L Temple Jr.


Former Virginia Deputy Secretary of Education