Letter: Candidate’s Endorsements

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

I would like to set the record straight on an inaccurate letter to the editor last week regarding who is endorsing me for Fairfax County School Board in the Mount Vernon District. I neither sought nor did I receive an endorsement from the Traditional Values Coalition. Two Fairfax County residents expressed their concerns over new portions added to the Family Life Education (FLE) curriculum by the current school board. I encourage all voters in the Mount Vernon District to read the FLE curriculum themselves and draw their own conclusions about whether they agree with these changes (http://www.fcps.edu/is/hpe/fle.shtml). The voters in the Mount Vernon District deserve better than having inaccurate information being shared just days before the election on Nov. 3.

I welcome support from, and will enthusiastically engage with, people from across the Mount Vernon District. Drawing lines in the sand and being unwilling to work with others on difficult topics is not how we move our schools forward. I have worked for Democrats and Republicans and believe we all benefit by working together to improve our schools. Partisanship and ideologies should not dominate what our children are being taught in the classroom.

For the record, following is an accurate list of some of the organizations and individuals that have endorsed me: Class Size Counts; the Hon. George Allen, former Governor of Virginia; Susan Allen, former First Lady of Virginia; Ed Gillespie, former U.S. Senatorial candidate; Dave Albo, Virginia state delegate; Chris Braunlich, former Virginia Board of Education president; the Hon. Ed Moy, 38th Director of the United States Mint (2006-2011); and former U.S. Congressional candidate Suzanne Scholte.

Anthony Stacy

Fairfax County School Board Candidate, Mount Vernon District