Fairfax County Board of Supervisors-Sully: John Guevara (R)

Question and answer

Challenger for Sully Supervisor

Town of residence: Oakton

Age: 42

Family: Wife Marilyn, two sons in FCPS Peter and Nathan

Education: B.A. The George Washington University

Offices held, dates: None

Occupation and relevant experience: I am currently employed with AT&T as a Professional Services Manager. I oversee large IT engagements and manage multi-million dollar budgets. I was also an Army Signal Corps Officer; I started my career in the enlisted corps and was commissioned through the Georgetown University ROTC Program. I program-managed a medical executive skills program that taught healthcare providers and executives how to run hospitals and deliver quality care.

Community involvement: Board of Directors for WFCM, HOA President, Navy Elementary PTO Board Member, CYA Coach, Scouts Leader, Sunday School Teacher

Website: www.johnguevaraforsupervisor.com

Email address: info@johnguevaraforsupervisor.com

Twitter handle: @johnpguevara

Name three favorite endorsements: The Fairfax Chamber NOVABizPAC, Virginia Police benevolent Association, The League of Conservation Voters


What is one issue that defines your call to serve, why does it matter, and how will you tackle it?

I’m running for Supervisor for one simple reason: Fairfax County has challenges and I believe I can help solve them. My mother always told me that I wasn’t good at sitting still and she was right. When I see something not working, I want to get it fixed.

Our community is a great place to live and raise a family, but we have challenges that will only be solved with a fresh perspective. From transportation, to education, to taxes, the story is the same.

We need new ideas and practical solutions to focus on easing traffic congestion, getting more money into our classrooms and getting quality public services with a maximum return on investment.

Fixing budgets and solving complex problems is what I do every day at work. As a program manager, I oversee $120 million budgets. I make sure they are efficient, effective and that they get the job done. By using those same principles here in Fairfax we can improve our schools, reduce gridlock, and make better use of our tax money.

What distinguishes you from your opponent(s) and why should voters choose you?

I have a positive message about new ideas and practical solutions and this is exactly what we need on the Board of Supervisors. Despite having never run for public office before, I have won all of the key competitive endorsements and brought together an impressive coalition of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents that support my candidacy. I am especially proud of Sully District Supervisor Michael Frey’s endorsement!

I believe this is because I am already proving to the residents of Sully District that I’m already listening to and working for them. Whether it’s helping my neighbors keep our roads safe with SullyStreets.com or caring for those in need with the Western Fairfax Christian Ministries, I’m always working to improve the quality of life for all Sully District residents.

More than half of the county budget is devoted to the local school system. A significant budget gap looms for the next budget cycle, both for FCPS and Fairfax County. What are the top county priorities and how will you assure funding and manage the budget? What ideas do you have for increasing revenue? Name two areas/items you would cut or reduce.

As your Supervisor, I’ll work to spend our tax money efficiently by eliminating redundancy and waste in our budget. I’ll ensure the County is delivering quality core services (Transportation, Education, Public Safety, and Safety Net Programs for our most residents such as seniors) and you are seeing a return on investment for your hard earned tax dollars.

How many hours a week of outside employment do you anticipate while serving on the Board of Supervisors?

I have flexible employment with my current employer and have already proven that I can campaign, work, and serve the community full-time without any difficulty.