Fairfax County Board of Supervisors-Mason: Mollie Loeffler (I)

Question and answer

Town of residence: Alexandria, VA

Age: 47

Family: Husband Ted, and two sons Sam and Benjamin

Education: B.A. Sociology GMU

Offices held, dates: PCA President 2007 – 2012, Chairman Mason District Council of Community Associations 2012 ­ 2015 Occupation and relevant experience: I have worked with people my entire professional career. I was a professional ballroom dancer and an advertising director. Currently I am a property manager.

Community involvement: I have 8 ­years of civic leadership and building civic organizations to give residents a voice in their own communities.

Website: www.mollie4mason.com

Email address: mollie@mollie4mason.com

Twitter handle: @mollie4mason

Name three favorite endorsements: Former Congressman Tom Davis; Party Endorsements: Independent Green, Republican Party; Fairfax Chapter of the Police Benevolent Association


What is one issue that defines your call to serve, why does it matter, and how will you tackle it?

I will continue my history of advocating for community involvement so that residents know their concerns are met and they believe they are valued citizens. Transparent, responsive and financially responsible leadership for our communities and schools is my top priority.

What distinguishes you from your opponent(s) and why should voters choose you?

My candidacy is 100% powered by volunteer citizens of Mason District. I have only one paid staffer – a treasurer. I am funded by Mason District residents, whereas my opponent is funded by developers and special interests. It is time for the next generation to lead our district.

I want to build schools; my opponent wants to build county office buildings when we have the highest office vacancy rate in 23 years. I currently have children in the school system, my opponent does not. I want to have managed growth, my opponent approved plans to allow 5,000+ apartments in the middle of 7­ Corners on an already stressed infrastructure with no immediate transportation improvements. Forty people spoke about concerns at the July Board of Supervisors hearing on the 7 ­Corners Comprehensive Plan. Four other Supervisors refused to vote until the document was amended to address the repeated concerns regarding impacts to education and transportation they heard that evening.

My opponent stood in the way of relieving school overcrowding for four years whereas, I spearheaded grassroots efforts to push to get Willston School property returned to the Fairfax County School System.

I will work to improve the quality of life in Mason District. My opponent advertises that “We enjoy a Great Quality of Life in Fairfax County” yet does not address the issues facing her own district. We are struggling with the highest number of student trailers in the county, serious crime, and traffic congestion. Mason District residents deserve to enjoy a comparable quality of life as other areas in Fairfax County.

More than half of the county budget is devoted to the local school system. A significant budget gap looms for the next budget cycle, both for FCPS and Fairfax County. What are the top county priorities and how will you assure funding and manage the budget? What ideas do you have for increasing revenue? Name two areas/items you would cut or reduce.

As a parent education is my top priority as well as maintaining the strength of other core services: public safety, transportation, and human services for those who truly need a safety net. I will also initiate a comprehensive litter plan for our district and work to protect our environmental resources and promote and preserve green space. I will work to manage the budget and create new revenue by marketing our district to attract new business here to complement our restaurants.

Some highlights:

• The formation of entrepreneurial incubators can fill empty office space, which would encourage business growth.

• Suspend the use of Economic Development Authority bonds used to build government offices instead of spurring economic development. These bonds are not voted on by citizens and should not be spent on government projects, but on real economic stimulus that can lead to a more diverse tax base.

• I would save money by not building county office buildings we don’t need and cannot afford.

• Ask for public input on ways to increase revenue and input on ideas for cutting spending.

How many hours a week of outside employment do you anticipate while serving on the Board of Supervisors?

I will be a full­-time Supervisor!