State Senate-District 35: Terrence Modglin (I)

Question and answer

Independent Green for Senate 35

Town of residence: Falls Church (Fairfax County not City)

Age: 69

Family: Son Matthew and daughter Rachel, and five grandchildren

Education: Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service, Georgetown University; Masters of Public Administration, American University

Occupation and relevant experience: Consultant; legislative experience - eight years U.S. House of Representatives Committee staff, involved in high-profile Panama Canal issue; public safety, health, and community involvement experience - 25 years working with youth, schools, and communities for crime-free and drug-free lives; level of responsibility - four years U.S. Army officer, including 20 months in the Republic of Vietnam.

Community involvement: Vice-President, Woodlake Towers Condominium Association, Seven Corners; former Past President, Mid-Atlantic Chapter, 173d Airborne Brigade Association; Member, several Board of Directors; Knights of Columbus charity work; 28 consecutive years youth basketball volunteer coach, Falls Church Parks and Recreation Program.


Email address:

Twitter handle: @TerryModglin


What is one issue that defines your call to serve, why does it matter, and how will you tackle it?

It is difficult not to state that the unborn child's right to life is at the apex of issues, because it sets the parameters for whether a life can literally be taken, but it is also commands our attention that through policies we decide for our environment, we are setting the conditions today for the quality of life today and tomorrow — in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat. If we do not change the direction of today's world, future generations will face catastrophic conditions. We will be most successful by using clean "green" technology for the goods and services we produce. More trains mean less traffic and fewer headaches. We should restrict fracking and be very careful about offshore drilling.

What distinguishes you from your opponent(s) and why should voters choose you?

If there is one distinction between me and my opponents, it is the reference point from which we come. I am unconnected to lobbyists and Political Action Committees, and I am from and of the community, and therefore the decisions I make are more likely to build a better future than is suggested by the inertia of the present power relationships in Richmond that characterize my opponent's incumbency.

Given the political makeup of the state legislature, what examples from your own experience suggests you can successfully bridge the intense partisan differences there?

First and foremost, the nature of an Independent Green candidacy is that we place people over party and we invite the exchange of ideas that lead to new policies rather than continually beating the party drum to stir up the base for more campaign contributions. I have been a bridge builder through my adult life. In college campus student politics, in a committee staff position on Capitol Hill on a high profile political issue, in my 25 years of work to build safe and drug-free communities, I was able to communicate with the most diverse of elements to find solutions. I take pride to say that I have seen the streets and the suites, and am able to understand diverse perspectives.

In order, list your top 5 legislative priorities.

My legislative priorities are to help create a clean environment, to protect the lives of the unborn, to promote safer and stronger communities, to innovate in education and employment matters, and to maintain a reasonable state tax and state budget environment.

How has your district changed in the last 10 years? What caused those changes?

The 35th Senate District has become a much more diverse place in the last ten years. It is an example of how the USA has developed and it provides us an opportunity right here in Northern Virginia to be leaders in a global age.

Consumer protection is very important to me. My relatively humble origins have shown me how adverse financial situations can be exploited by financial institutions.

Will you support legislation restricting high interest lending including car title loans?

Fostering Connections has been one of the most important and successful of programs for young people that have had a more difficult life. We should find the funds to support it.

Do you support expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, and if so, what would you do to make that happen?

I support the expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, but only under the condition that it can be financially accommodated without future tax increases. Healthy people are more productive people but state overspending can produce disastrous results for everyone.