House of Delegates–District 46: Sean Lenehan (R)

Question & Answer

Republican Challenger for Delegate District 46

Town of residence: Alexandria

Age: 45

Education: Bishop Ireton HS (Alexandria); BA Economics from Hampden-Sydney College (Virginia) and MBA through University of Maryland

Occupation and relevant experience: Brand Manager

Community involvement: Years of active leadership on boards and commissions throughout the city: literacy, youth sports, food bank, parks, Boy Scouts, my HOA.


Email address:

Twitter handle: SeanLenehan

Name three favorite endorsements: Friends of Four Mile Run, Alexandrians for Sensible Growth and Watergate Working Group on Education


What is one issue that defines your call to serve, why does it matter, and how will you tackle it?

My personal call to serve is based on a very simple concept, listening to my neighbors. It is clear no one is listening to us and our voices are not even being heard. I have strong roots in the community, poised to listen, poised to put a voice to our needs, and poised to lead our district.

I was raised in Alexandria, I am acutely aware of the issues and challenges that face our community. I bring a common sense and results driven approach based upon a commitment to smart spending and fair tax burdens. I will engage with our community, listen to the concerns of our neighbors and develop a strategic plan to accomplish our collective goals.

What distinguishes you from your opponent(s) and why should voters choose you?

My opponent has been silent on the issues that are affecting our daily life. Over the past four years, my opponent has introduced zero bills on K-12 education, zero bills on job creation and economic development, zero bills on traffic. Her complete lack of leadership proves that she does not understand — or care about — the principles and values of Alexandrians. She is disinterested and disengaged, and we deserve better.

Alexandria has a proud history. Our students need better schools. Our roads need rebuilding. Our first responders need more support. Businesses need favorable landscapes to flourish.

Given the political makeup of the state legislature, what examples from your own experience suggests you can successfully bridge the intense partisan differences there?

Virginia is full of reasonable and hardworking citizens and public servants. I plan to join the majority while maintaining my strong business, personal and political ties throughout the Commonwealth from Tidewater to the Roanoke Valley from Southside to Northern Virginia.

In order, list your top 5 specific legislative priorities.

  1. Economy: Enable a vibrant business environment.
  2. Education: Develop blue ribbon schools, including school choice for students in failing schools.
  3. Environment: Forward thinking environmental stewardship
  4. Health: Accessible mental health resources
  5. Infrastructure: Develop safe, modern infrastructure. Regional approach to traffic- defund the outrageous and foolish proposal from the Governor to tax I-66, strangle small businesses, tax working families and clog Alexandria streets with overflow and diversion traffic.

How has your district changed in the last 10 years? What caused those changes?

We can do much better. Our schools have fared poorly compared to neighboring districts. We have lost local retails options such as Best Buy, Staples and several grocery chains. We have vacant building shells such as Landmark shopping center that undermine our tax base and depress residential real estate demand. In addition, traffic and congestion have reached staggering levels. Over the past ten years, residents of Alexandria have experienced a decline in the quality of life and services that they deserve in terms of the most meaningful metrics- schools, economy and traffic.

Will you support legislation restricting high interest lending including car title loans?

I support individual, fiscal responsibility. The federal government currently caps interest rates on loans to members of the military. In addition, Virginia has consumer safeguards in place today on these types of loans.

Will you support funding for Fostering Connections which would result in an influx of federal funding for foster children aging out of foster care?

Yes. President Bush signed this bill into law in 2008. I proudly stand with those that enable foster families to provide care to our most vulnerable citizens.

Do you support expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, and if so, what would you do to make that happen?

Medicaid expansion is one of the fastest growing items on our state budget, about 8% a year and consuming more than 20% of the budget and is simply not sustainable. Medicaid expansion is a deceptively inefficient approach as most of the additional funding will go to larger, profitable hospitals that can readily afford to provide charity care. I would propose that Medicaid be turned into a federal block grant with wide latitude for governors and state legislatures. This managed care approach must include competition, personal responsibility for costs, care coordination, and incentives payments based on outcomes.