House of Delegates-District 48: Rip Sullivan (D)

Question and Answer

Incumbent, unopposed

Town of residence: McLean

Age: 56

Family: Beth (Wife), Corey (daughter), Joey, Jack, Ryan (sons)

Education: BA from Amherst College, JD from the University of Virginia

Offices held, dates: 48th District, House of Delegates, 2014-present

Occupation and relevant experience: Attorney, Bean Kinney & Korman P.C.

Community involvement:

  • United States Institute of Peace International – Advisory Council Member
  • Fairfax County Park Authority Board – Former Board Member
  • Fairfax Affordable Housing Advisory Committee- Co-Chair
  • Legal Services of Northern Virginia – former President and Board Member
  • Virginia Bar Association – former Member of the Board of Governors
  • Dranesville Budget Task Force –Former Chair

Website: www.

Email address:

Twitter handle: @RipSullivan48

Name three favorite endorsements: League of Conservation Voters, Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington, NOVABIZPAC (Fairfax Chamber of Commerce’s PAC)


What is one issue that defines your call to serve, why does it matter, and how will you tackle it?

Climate change is one of the most important—if not the most important--issues of our time, and I am using my position to take action to address it. Virginia should be a leader on addressing climate change. Yet “climate change” is such a politically charged term in Richmond that members are advised to refer to it as “recurrent flooding,” rather than “climate change” if they want to make any progress. This is a lamentable state of affairs, and it is past time that we focus on climate change more urgently.

What distinguishes you from your opponent(s) and why should voters choose you?

I am a proven leader on the issues that matter most to my constituents, including developing Virginia’s clean energy industry, nonpartisan redistricting, Medicaid expansion, sensible gun safety policies, protecting a woman's right to choose, and ensuring equality for all.

Given the political makeup of the state legislature, what examples from your own experience suggests you can successfully bridge the intense partisan differences there?

I worked with my Republican colleagues last session to address the sexual assault issue at some of Virginia’s colleges. I introduced a bill which required universities to establish a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with local sexual assault crisis centers outside of the university. I was able to get portions of my bill into the legislation which ultimately became law.

In order, list your top 5 specific legislative priorities.

  1. Developing and promoting Virginia’s clean energy industry,
  2. Establishing a nonpartisan redistricting system,
  3. Making it easier for Virginians to vote, not harder,
  4. Expanding Medicaid,
  5. Common sense gun safety.

How has your district changed in the last 10 years? What caused those changes?

The 48th District was re-drawn in 2010 to include parts of McLean and Arlington. It is a district with a well-informed electorate, concerned above all with ensuring that our community remains the very best place to live, work, play, and raise a family.

Will you support legislation restricting high interest lending including car title loans?


Will you support funding for Fostering Connections which would result in an influx of federal funding for foster children aging out of foster care?


Do you support expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, and if so, what would you do to make that happen?

Yes, I support Medicaid expansion. It is unfortunate—if not scandalous—to see many of the leaders in Richmond carelessly throw Virginia’s tax dollars away without getting anything in return. It’s time we ended the partisan showdown over Medicaid expansion and did what is best for the hundreds of thousands of working Virginians who are without health care.