House of Delegates-District 42: David Albo (R)

Question and Answer


Town of residence: South County / Fairfax Station

Age: 53

Family: Wife, Rita and 10 yr. old son, Ben

Education: UVA BA Economics. Law Degree U.R.

Offices held, dates: House of Delegates 1994-present

Occupation and relevant experience: Attorney. 1988 – present. (Former Prosecutor City of Fairfax, Guardian for Abused Children. Partner at Albo & Oblon, LLP. 1994 – present.)

Community involvement: Past President West Springfield Civic Association, Fairfax County Transportation Advisory Committee.


Email address:

Twitter handle:

Three favorite endorsements: Humane Dominion (an animal protection association), Northern VA Technology Association, Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce


What is one issue that defines your call to serve, why does it matter, and how will you tackle it?

My “call to serve” comes from the fact that I grew up here in West Springfield (Rolling Valley Elementary – West Springfield High School), live in South County, have a 10-year-old son at our local Fairfax County public schools, and have had my law practice in the heart of West Springfield for 25 years. My campaign may not seem too exciting because I don’t have any controversial issue to push. Rather, I want to make government work. For example, getting our roads paved. I co-authored the 2013 Transportation Bill that for the first time in three decades delivered more funds for transportation. But with the non-negotiable rule that 100% of the money raised in NOVA stays in NOVA! This has already delivered results for our area. Old Keene Mill Rd. and Rolling Rd. finally got paved. The Mt. Vernon Hwy and Rt. 1 Interchange finally got re-aligned. And Rolling Rd. is now on the list for widening to four lanes. I have helped increase the number of in-state college slots. Collectively, I was able to get UVA, W&M, JMU, CNU, GMU, VCU and VA Tech to add over 3,500 new slots in the past two years. And I am not done! By standing up for NOVA residents, who pay most of the taxes in this state, I was able to acquire an additional $816/yr./student for our Fairfax County School students. All the while, I have helped keep VA taxes low. Virginia has the 8th lowest combined state and local tax rate in the U.S.

What distinguishes you from your opponent(s) and why should voters choose you?

I don’t know much about Joana Garcia. Her website does not have an issues section, so consequently, I can’t comment on her positions. Everyone who knows her says she is very nice. As for why should voters choose me? I deliver real results for our neighborhoods. Just take a look at my answer on #1 for some concrete examples.

Given the political makeup of the state legislature, what examples from your own experience suggests you can successfully bridge the intense partisan differences there?

I always look for a solution that both sides can live with. A compromise means that you have to take some things you don’t like, in order to get things you want. That is why, unlike the Federal government, we deliver balanced budgets every year. Another example would be the 2013 Transportation Bill I co-authored. 37 Republicans and 23 Democrats voted for it. Did I like all of it? No, but I liked delivering the first bill in three decades to fix roads and rail.

In order, list your top 5 specific legislative priorities.

Providing more in-state slots for VA colleges, re-paving residential streets, keeping flow of money to Fairfax Schools, continuing to keep government spending at 2007 levels so we don’t have to raise taxes, and keeping violent criminals in prison.

How has your district changed in the last 10 years? What caused those changes?

Lorton Prison was closed and we built SCHS, SCMS and Laurel Hill Elementary! West Springfield is still the same, just like it was when I grew up here.

It is a free country. Government should not tell people what loans they can accept.

Will you support funding for Fostering Connections which would result in an influx of federal funding for foster children aging out of foster care?


Do you support expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, and if so, what would you do to make that happen?

First of all, anyone who is poor, and either (a) disabled, (b) a child, or (c) elderly, already gets Medicaid. This plan seeks to do is give free medical insurance (Medicaid) to working age people 19-64. While it would be nice to take care of everyone, we cannot afford it. Expanding Medicaid will cost $230 Million/yr., and since Medicaid has gone up 300% over the past 10 years, it could rise to $720 Million. To pay that, the state would have to increase taxes.