House of Delegates-District 40: Timothy D. Hugo (R)

Question and Answer


Town of Residence: Clifton, VA

Age: 52

Family: Wife, Paula & their four children

Education: College of William & Mary, B.A.; Kodak Fellowship, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

Offices held: House of Delegates, Member, 2003-present

Occupation and relevant experience: Executive Director of the Free File Alliance, a public-private partnership between tax preparation companies and the IRS, that provides free filing for federal income tax returns to low and moderate income families.

Community involvement: Member, American Legion; Member, Rotary Club; Member, Clifton Lions Club; Member, Knights of Columbus; Board Member, Occoquan Watershed Coalition.



Twitter: @TimHugo


What is one issue that defines your call to serve, why does it matter, and how will you tackle it?

Over the last 5 years, I’ve been directly involved in stopping the abhorrent crime of human trafficking. Whether it is continuing to raise awareness or passing legislation that created Virginia’s first standalone human trafficking statute – Virginia was the last state in the Country to do so – I’m committed to ending human trafficking.

What distinguishes you from your opponent(s) and why should voters choose you?

I am opposed to the $17 toll on I-66 inside the Beltway. Instead of using this money to widen I-66, it will be used to create bike and pedestrian paths in Arlington County. In addition, my opponent wants to raise/create new taxes on the services my constituents use every day, such as: mechanics, dry cleaners, consultants, lawyers, doctors, salons, etc. My opponent is for greatly expanding government, while I am for a more efficient government.

Given the political makeup of the state legislature, what examples from your own experience suggests you can successfully bridge the intense partisan differences there?

Since being elected, I have worked with my colleagues across the aisle to pass meaningful legislation in areas such as: human trafficking, autism, mental health, and Lyme disease.

In order, list your top 5 specific legislative priorities.

Stop the $17 a day toll on I-66 inside the Beltway; Hold the line on taxes; Education – continue to fight for more slots at our public colleges and universities for in-state students; Transportation – prioritize congestion relief; Human Trafficking – continue to fight to stop child predators

How has your district changed in the last 10 years? What caused those changes?

While families have come and gone, the issues important to my constituents remain the same. They care about a good quality of life, transportation solutions, a quality education for their children, and safe neighborhoods.

Will you support legislation restricting high interest lending including car title loans?

On a bi-partisan basis, we reformed industry practices in Virginia years ago.

Will you support funding for Fostering Connections which would result in an influx of federal funding for foster children aging out of foster care?

Yes. I am open to looking at this initiative while keeping in mind our budget restrictions.

Do you support expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, and if so, what would you do to make that happen?

No. If we expand ObamaCare, within two years we will need to find an additional $200-$300 million for our budget. This means raising taxes or cutting funding from our public schools and transportation budgets. Medicaid, over the last ten years, has grown by 79% and accounts for 54% of general fund growth. In its current form, this program is unsustainable, and we should not expand ObamaCare in Virginia.