House of Delegates-District 40: Jerry Foltz (D)

Question and Answer

Challenger, 40th District Delegate

Town of residence: Centreville

Age: 72

Family: Married 50 years to Alice H. Foltz, with 4 grown children and 9 grandchildren

Education: Catawba College (A.B.), Eden Theological Seminary (M. Div.), Eastern Baptist Seminary (D. Min.)

Offices held, dates: Elected to Willingboro, NJ, Board of Education - 1978-1981

Occupation and relevant experience: Parish Minister and Regional Minister in the United Church of Christ; Regional coordinator for the United Church of Christ Disaster Ministries; Serving on elected public school board for three years in New Jersey; Active Chaplain for the Fairfax County Fire & Rescue Department, and serving in the Emergency Operations Center; Appointed by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors to the Human Services Council; Board member of the Alliance for Human Services; Board member of the Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions

Community involvement: Throughout my ministry I have been active in building community -- organizing a Habitat for Humanity chapter in Shenandoah County, organizing a non-profit food co-op in New Jersey, and helping to organize the Centreville Immigration Forum and its major project, the Centreville Labor Resource Center. For 18 years I have been serving as a chaplain for the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department. These and other activities build community while finding local solutions to local problems.


Email address:

Twitter handle: @jfoltzva

Name three favorite endorsements: Sierra Club; AFL-CIO; LGBT Democrats of Virginia


What is one issue that defines your call to serve, why does it matter, and how will you tackle it? Funding our public schools. I will find ways to provide more state funds for our public schools. Our teachers and other staff have been forced to give up salary increases while the state provides less funds for Northern Virginia. The state is not fulfilling its responsibility to its hard-working citizens and its families, especially to retired public safety personnel and teachers. We lose good prospective teachers; we have too many portable classrooms that are permanent fixtures -- inadequate and unsafe for Fairfax County. Our students need to be well prepared for higher education and new professions. I will work to expand Medicaid to bring $5 million a day into Virginia. I will end some of the outdated tax credits for industries that no longer need them. I will negotiate with other legislators to adjust the formula by which state funds for schools is distributed. My opponent refuses to assist our schools in any way as a state legislator, and reduces their funding.

What distinguishes you from your opponent(s) and why should voters choose you?

As a pastor I am in touch with the needs of families for better transportation choices, for increased funding for our public schools, for fiscal responsibility on the state level. My opponent gets campaign contributions from industries that he allows to exploit military families, the poor, people of color, and immigrants, as well as people out of state through predatory lending reaching 300% interest annually. I will work to reduce gun violence and provide more resources for mental health services. I will work to make our communities safer and more modern with a better quality of life. I will work for the state to fulfill its promised share of retirement funds for public employees -- fire, police, and educators.

Given the political makeup of the state legislature, what examples from your own experience suggests you can successfully bridge the intense partisan differences there?

As a life-long pastor serving 5 congregations and as a regional minister serving 41 congregations and their pastors and families, I have gotten people to work together over important issues to achieve goals. I have been trained and certified as a court appointed mediator in Willingboro, NJ, to help people in conflict to come to solutions and avoid the cost and imposition of a court decision.Personally, I am not easily offended by people with whom I disagree nor am I afraid of dealing with conflict. I know I can "work across the aisle" to get things done for my community and for the good of the Commonwealth.

In order, list your top 5 specific legislative priorities.

  1. expansion of Medicaid;
  2. increased funding for public schools;
  3. more good transportation choices for our region, including expanded bus service, improvements to I-66, extended bike lanes and paths, and Metrorail expansion -- all without new tolls;
  4. ending discrimination in housing, employment, credit, and adoption, on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation;
  5. raising the minimum wage in Virginia

How has your district changed in the last 10 years? What caused those changes?

The 40th District has grown with an increasingly diverse population, many of whom are foreign born. Housing developments have multiplied and roads and highways have been improved to keep up. The major causes include our proximity to the U.S. government contracting and offices, the excellence of our school system, the good level of safety and security in our communities, and the overall quality of life in our District.

Will you support legislation restricting high interest lending including car title loans?

Yes, absolutely. A cap of 36% interest should be the acceptable level for such loans.

Will you support funding for Fostering Connections which would result in an influx of federal funding for foster children aging out of foster care?


Do you support expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, and if so, what would you do to make that happen?

I will support expansion of Medicaid. I will work with others who agree, and meet with others, to work through objections and make any reasonable compromises to get it done.