House of Delegates-District 37: Sang Yi (R)

Question and Answer

Challenger, House District 37

Town of residence: City of Fairfax

Age: 34

Family: Wife Sarah, Daughter Evelyn

Education: B.S. Logistics & Intermodal Transportation – U.S. Merchant Marine Academy; M.A. National Security & Strategic Studies – U.S. Naval War College; J.D. George Washington University Law School

Occupation and relevant experience: Senior aide on Capitol Hill; Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Navy Reserve

Community involvement: Board Member & City Representative, Fairfax ASAP Policy Board; Former 2nd Vice Commander, American Legion Post 177; Fairfax Lions Club; Past President, Cameron Glen HOA


Email address:

Twitter handle: @SangYi

Name three favorite endorsements: Former Congressman Tom Davis; Congresswoman Barbara Comstock; Delegate Tim Hugo


What is one issue that defines your call to serve, why does it matter, and how will you tackle it?

I want to preserve the American Dream and grow opportunities for everyone. As an immigrant from South Korea, my family and I benefited from all that our nation has to offer. In order to keep opportunities available for future generations, we must ensure that our schools remain adequately funded and prepare our students for higher education and the workplace. To properly fund our schools, as Northern Virginians, we need to fight for more of our share from Richmond and boost our economy as a whole.

What distinguishes you from your opponent(s) and why should voters choose you?

As a government professional, officer in the Navy Reserve, and community leader, I have brought people together from diverse backgrounds to accomplish common goals. If elected to the House of Delegates, I will use my political and government experience and leadership skills to actively promote the interests of the people of the 37th district. Recently, I reviewed the proposal to toll some I-66 commuters $17 per day, and along with House Leadership, stand opposed to this unworkable plan that will burden our families’ budgets and not alleviate our traffic congestion problems. We need fresh ideas and new energy to advocate for us in Richmond.

Given the political makeup of the state legislature, what examples from your own experience suggests you can successfully bridge the intense partisan differences there?

I believe it is important to keep in mind that political parties may have opposing ideas, but are not “enemies.” As a Capitol Hill aide, I endeavor to engage in bipartisan cooperation and civil discourse on many matters of national importance. As a Delegate, I will put people over politics, and always keep in mind what is best for Fairfax rather than partisan politics.

In order, list your top 5 specific legislative priorities.

  1. Stand against tolling I-66 commuters up to $17 per day. With an increased tax burden already being footed by Fairfax residents, the 2013 landmark transportation funding bill raised taxes to improve our infrastructure. Now, we potentially face more burdens on our household budgets, while not alleviating traffic congestion.
  2. Help alleviate traffic congestion by promoting more teleworking, improving use of technology, access to mass transit, and focusing on investing in high impact areas.
  3. Reformulate the Local Composite Index (LCI) to achieve fair funding for our students.
  4. Streamline and clarify business regulations to make it easier for small businesses to understand and comply with them.
  5. Increase government accountability by reforming the Joint Legislative Audit Review Committee (JLARC).

How has your district changed in the last 10 years? What caused those changes?

The 37th district has seen tremendous growth. With more young families seeking better home prices and quality schools, the 37th is a wonderfully local and diverse community just miles away from Washington, D.C.

Will you support legislation restricting high interest lending including car title loans?

We should find a balance that protects borrowers from predatory practices while also keeping various loan mechanisms accessible to those who need them.

Will you support funding for Fostering Connections which would result in an influx of federal funding for foster children aging out of foster care?

Improving educational and health outcomes for foster care children is an important concern. I am open to supporting funding for Fostering Connections while keeping in mind limitations on Virginia’s budget requirements.

Do you support expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, and if so, what would you do to make that happen?

According to reviews of some Medicaid expansion states under Obamacare, enrollment numbers greatly surpassed projections. Especially given the eventual phase down of federal funding for expansion, the current statistics should alarm Virginians. Virginia cannot afford hundreds of millions or even in the billions of dollars in overruns that some other states already face as enrollment states.