House of Delegates-District 37: David Bulova (D)

Question and Answer


Town of residence: Fairfax

Age: 46

Family: Married to Gretchen with three children (Alex, Josie, and Grayson)

Education: BA, Government, College of William and Mary; Master of Public Administration, Virginia Tech

Offices held, dates: Virginia House of Delegates, 2006-present; elected member, Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District, 2004-06.

Occupation and relevant experience: Project Manager, Amec Foster Wheeler Environment and Infrastructure

Community involvement: Board member, Brain Injury Services; board member, City of Fairfax Band; honorary member, Rotary Club of Centreville; co-chair, Middleridge National Night Out, 2002-08; former coach, Fairfax Little League; past chair, Fairfax County Consumer Protection Commission, 1997-2004; former member and treasurer, Rotary Club of Annandale, 1999-2002.



Twitter handle: @DavidBulova

Name three favorite endorsements: Virginia Education Association; Virginia League of Conservation Voters; Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce


What is one issue that defines your call to serve, why does it matter, and how will you tackle it?

There is no greater responsibility than for elected officials to leave our democracy stronger for future generations. Unfortunately, extreme gerrymandering has resulted in few swing districts in Virginia, which means that many elected officials are more concerned about primaries than general elections. This has contributed to political gridlock. I support taking politics out of the redistricting process through the creation of an independent redistricting commission so that the voters choose their elected representatives, and not the other way around.

What distinguishes you from your opponent(s) and why should voters choose you?

I am a consensus builder with a record of achievement on important community issues, including working in a bipartisan manner to pass new funding for transportation and to reform our education Standards of Learning (SOLs). During the past 10 years, I have worked hard to be open and accountable to district residents through town hall meetings, constituent surveys, and informal coffee hours.

Given the political makeup of the state legislature, what examples from your own experience suggests you can successfully bridge the intense partisan differences there?

I take very seriously the expectation of my constituents that when I am in Richmond I will work for the common good and look for ways to improve the quality of life for all Virginians. For example, this past year I teamed up with Governor McAuliffe and Delegate Tim Hugo to pass a Virginia Solar Energy Development Authority that will remove barriers to creating new jobs in this rapidly expanding industry. I am proud of my reputation as a consensus builder, which has resulted in my appointment to several commissions that deal with issues directly affecting Fairfax residents, including the Joint Commission on Health Care, State Water Commission, and Virginia Housing Commission.

In order, list your top 5 specific legislative priorities.

My priorities include: (1) continue to diversify Virginia’s economy and create an environment where small businesses can thrive; (2) ensure that new transportation revenue is used effectively and oppose efforts to toll I-66 inside the Beltway without adding capacity; (3) continue to reform the SOLs and change state formulas to ensure that our schools get their fair share of funding; (4) protect our natural resources for future generations; and, (5) give law enforcement the tools they need to combat human trafficking and identity theft.

How has your district changed in the last 10 years? What caused those changes?

My district has changed both geographically and demographically. During the 2011 redistricting, my district changed to include areas such as the Government Center and parts of Centreville. My district has also become much more ethnically diverse. One of my priorities is to ensure that these new immigrant communities feel welcome and become civically engaged.

Will you support legislation restricting high interest lending including car title loans?

Yes. As the former chair of the Fairfax County Consumer Protection Commission I believe that there is no place for this type of predatory lending that traps individuals and families in a cycle of debt.

Will you support funding for Fostering Connections which would result in an influx of federal funding for foster children aging out of foster care?

Yes. The transition from foster care is extremely important to the long term success of the child. For similar reasons, in 2014 I supported legislation to allow Court-Appointed Special Advocate volunteers to continue assisting youth in foster care past the age of 18.

Do you support expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, and if so, what would you do to make that happen?

Yes. Virginia is already sending our taxpayer dollars to Washington to pay for this expansion. Nearly 15% of Virginians under age 65 do not have insurance. When these individuals do need care, they use expensive emergency services or let the problem get worse. We should get our money back to help up to 400,000 Virginians get the health care that we are already paying for.