House of Delegates-District 34: Craig A. Parisot (R)

Question and Answer

Challenger, House of Delegates District 34

Town of residence: McLean

Age: 41

Family: Wife Kristin, Son Jackson

Education: Bachelor of Arts from the University of South Carolina, MBA from California State Polytechnic University and post-graduate work at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government

Occupation and relevant experience: Mr. Parisot is the President and Chief Executive Officer of his third start up. He previously held executive leadership roles in two technology start ups, successfully growing and selling both, and was a founder and the Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer of Altamira Technologies Corporation

Community involvement: Mr. Parisot served in the United States Air Force in a combination of active duty and reserve roles from 1996 to 2005 working on science and technology programs, eventually separating at the rank of Captain. Craig is a current board member of Volunteer Fairfax and its most recent past President. Volunteer Fairfax focuses on developing leaders and promoting volunteerism in the region, and mobilizes Fairfax County’s volunteer resources in the face of a natural disaster or other crisis. Craig is also on the Board of Directors of the World Police and Fire Games, which created an $83 million positive economic impact for the region. He also sits on the boards of other for-profit and not-for-profit organizations.


Email address:

Twitter handle: @craigparisot

Name three favorite endorsements: National Federation of Independent Business (9-15), Fairfax Chamber of Commerce NOVA BizPac (12/14), and Police Benevolent Association (12/14)


What is one issue that defines your call to serve, why does it matter, and how will you tackle it?

Service before self is a deeply held value of great importance to me and as a third generation veteran, service has a long tradition in my family. I believe in the idea of the citizen legislator. That if we, as ordinary citizens, have something to offer our state or country in a time of need that it is our civic responsibility to offer ourselves in service to our neighbors. I think deeply about the challenges we face and, working together, will figure out ways to make meaningful progress to make our community stronger and safer.

What distinguishes you from your opponent(s) and why should voters choose you?

This race for Delegate is one of stark contrast. I'm a Business Leader, having built two advanced technology companies, I deployed lifesaving technologies for our soldiers and first responders, promoted women into key executive leadership roles, and have provided salaries and health benefits for hundreds of families. I have first-hand experience in the technologies central to the Northern Virginia innovation economy, and essential to our future.

Given the political makeup of the state legislature, what examples from your own experience suggests you can successfully bridge the intense partisan differences there?

I have always been one to run towards hard problems, both as an Air Force Officer and as a business executive. I have always been goal oriented. In business, you can’t just walk away from the table. You must find solutions. We need a Delegate in Richmond with the experience and capacity to act. As a member of the majority, I have the ability to get things done — not as a partisan, but on the merits of the proposed solutions to our most urgent problems. The Virginia way has always been one where elected officials and leaders across the state work together to get things done. This will be one of many things you will gain by sending me to Richmond.

In order, list your top 5 specific legislative priorities.

Invest in Public Education; Reduce commute times; Fight tolls on I-66 inside the beltway; Improve Virginia’s business climate; Pursue growth opportunities in the high technology sector

How has your district changed in the last 10 years? What caused those changes?

Our area is a very attractive place for people to live. Although, due to our proximity to the federal government, sequestration has had a devastating impact to our economy. Our cost of living continues to rise while traffic worsens. We must grow and diversify our economy, make the necessary investments in public education and solve the region’s transportation problems. These are economic and quality of life issues. I am concerned about great people leaving our region because we have failed to address these issues in a meaningful way.

Will you support legislation restricting high interest lending including car title loans?

Virginia has made some progress in this area, but the question is have we done enough. I believe in finding the right balance between free market principles and providing accessibility to financing alternatives.

Will you support funding for Fostering Connections which would result in an influx of federal funding for foster children aging out of foster care?

I fully support ensuring that foster children are not forgotten about when they become young adults. We need to make sure those that truly need our help receive it. While I would not be opposed to federal funding, we must find ways to reduce our dependence on Washington.

Do you support expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, and if so, what would you do to make that happen?

We should focus on providing for people’s healthcare needs exploring the array of alternatives available. The only responsible conversation about a solution incorporates the long term impact to the Virginia taxpayer and reducing our reliance on the federal government. Medicaid currently represents 21% of Virginia’s budget and is our fastest growing line item. Simply expanding a broken system is not a long term solution. I have concerns about both the quality and cost of care and we must tackle the matter of reimbursement rates and fraud, waste and abuse. Virginia makes a significant investment annually in the healthcare safety net to ensure everyone receives the help they need and we should continue taking this approach while pursuing necessary reforms.