Letter: Budgetary Experience

To the Editor:

I am writing in support of Anthony Stacy for School Board. We desperately need to turn things around here in the Mount Vernon area of Fairfax County — seven schools in our district are failing, MVHS is at the bottom in terms of SAT scores, all of our high schools are in the bottom half of the rankings for FCPS schools. Fifty-three percent of our tax dollars go to the schools — yet they are projecting a minimum $70 million deficit.

These issues affect all of us, whether we have children in the school system or not . The decline of our schools, once vaunted as some of the best in the nation, affects all of our property values.

We need someone with budgetary expertise and with "skin in the game" i.e. children in the FCPS system. Anthony Stacy's children will be attending FCPS schools for the next 14 years. Mr. Stacy has set up a school in Romania, worked as chief of staff for the Nature Conservancy's Philanthropy Department, and currently works for Booz Allen Hamilton. Anthony's education, work experience, and personal motivation make him the ideal candidate to make our schools and students successful again. Please vote Stacy on Nov. 3.

-Susan Bradley, Alexandria