Fairfax County Board of Supervisors–Springfield: Corazon S. Foley (I)

Question & Answer

Challenger for Springfield Supervisor

Town of residence: Burke

Age: 65

Family: Married 42 years to Michael Foley; 2 Children; 2 Grandchildren

Education: MBA in Finance from George Washington University

Offices held, dates: Founding Chairman, Burke/West Springfield Senior Center Without Walls (2009 – Present); Delegate, Fairfax County Senior Citizens’ Council (2011-2015); Board Member, Fairfax County History Museum Subcommittees (2008-Present); Founding Chairman, Fairfax County Asian American History Project (2007-Present); Founding Coordinator, Edgewater Neighborhood Watch (2012-Present);

Occupation and relevant experience: Retired Economic and Intelligence Analyst, US Department of State.

Community involvement: Lady Fairfax and Community Champion Awards

Website: www.facebook.com/Foley4SpringfieldSeniorCenter

Email address: corazonfoley@yahoo.com

Name favorite endorsements: Independent Greens of Virginia


What is one issue that defines your call to serve, why does it matter, and how will you tackle it?

The part-time Springfield Supervisor has failed to do his job of providing constituent services to improve our quality of life. In particular, he has ignored numerous requests for a working group on solutions to redress the unfairness toward Springfield senior taxpayers and families; other districts have 17 permanent senior centers, Springfield District, NONE! Over the last eight years, I founded and developed the public-private partnership – the Burke/West Springfield Senior Center Without Walls (BWSSCWoW) – to provide needed health programs for Springfield seniors. This is important for our whole community because the longer a senior remains functional and healthy, the less the burden on the children, the grandchildren and our Springfield District. As Supervisor, I will implement cost-effective solutions to provide facilities for multigenerational health programs – building on my community service as founder of the Edgewater Neighborhood Watch and senior center without walls.

What distinguishes you from your opponent(s) and why should voters choose you?

I will serve as full-time Springfield Supervisor providing much-needed responsive leadership to ensure that our district receives its fair share of county resources, particularly for senior health programs. I am a fiscal conservative who believes in good government with honorable public service with the US State Department; an Independent candidate spending $1,000 of my money. The part-time incumbent is beholden to political donors – raising over $470,000 while spending $300,000 by spring, also proving that he is a big spender of other people’s money. Moreover, Board decisions will benefit with broader community representation since I will serve as the first Filipino/Asian American Springfield Supervisor.

More than half of the county budget is devoted to the local school system. A significant budget gap looms for the next budget cycle, both for FCPS and Fairfax County. What are the top county priorities and how will you assure funding and manage the budget? What ideas do you have for increasing revenue? Name two areas/items you would cut or reduce.

I will seek fair share of federal and state funding for education just as I am seeking fair share of county resources for Springfield District – and more partnerships with the business sector for cost-effective innovations. I will seek management reforms, including pensions, in the Lines of Business Review. I will cut unnecessary administrative costs in FCPS and Fairfax County, beginning with the office of the Springfield Supervisor whose spending was the highest among Supervisors in FY2015.

How many hours a week of outside employment do you anticipate while serving on the Board of Supervisors?

I will serve as the Full-Time Springfield Supervisor and will have no outside employment.