Fairfax County Board of Supervisors–Mount Vernon: Dan Storck (D)

Question & Answer


Town of residence: Fort Hunt

Age: 62

Family: Wife of 39 years, Deb, and three adult children.

Education: Masters in Business Administration (MBA) specializing in Management and Finance from Miami University, Oxford, Ohio (1981); Bachelors of Science (BS) in Business Administration, Finance Major from Miami University, Oxford, Ohio (1975)

Offices held, dates: Fairfax County School Board Member, Mt. Vernon District, 2004 – present; Fairfax County School Board Chairman, 2007-2009

Occupation and relevant experience: Business Owner & Fairfax County School Board, Mt. Vernon District Member

Community involvement: For over 25 years, I’ve been a leader in the community in a variety of roles including as President of Good Shepherd Housing, a coach, WPHS PTA President, and more.

Website: www.danstorck.org

Email address: info@danstorck.org

Twitter handle: @DanStorck

Name three favorite endorsements: Proud to have the support of our fire fighters, our teachers and the Northern Virginia Association of Realtors


What is one issue that defines your call to serve, why does it matter, and how will you tackle it?

People who know me know that I am very passionate about our schools, they are the cornerstone of a strong Mt. Vernon District. Job creation, public safety, development, and our future depend on long-term public investments for funding quality schools.

Yet, the truth is that there is not one single issue facing our community. The job of the Supervisor is to balance many issues, navigate the often complex machinery of government, and make the right calls to keep the district moving forward and improve the quality of life for our residents.

I will fight every day to fully fund Mt. Vernon’s schools, but also create new jobs, finish the revitalization of Route 1, empower our seniors to age in place, protect our environment and expand the Yellow Line to Hybla Valley and beyond.

What distinguishes you from your opponent(s) and why should voters choose you?

Jane is a worthy candidate for Supervisor, but I believe my consistent leadership in a diverse set of roles within our community sets me apart.

Time and time again I have produced results for our community. When I was President of Good Shepherd Housing, I led the way in expanding access to affordable housing to our most vulnerable neighbors. As School Board Member, I built or funded 5 new and 18 Mount Vernon-related school additions/renovations, while my initiatives saved taxpayers millions of dollars, improved student health, and vastly increased the number of students’ taking advanced courses and getting job-ready skills certifications to help them find good paying jobs.

I am proud of my 25 years of service to the community. I’ve built key relationships within the Mount Vernon District, Fairfax County, and the Washington Metro area that make me best suited to tackle the challenges and pursue the opportunities before us.

More than half of the county budget is devoted to the local school system. A significant budget gap looms for the next budget cycle, both for FCPS and Fairfax County. What are the top county priorities and how will you assure funding and manage the budget? What ideas do you have for increasing revenue? Name two areas/items you would cut or reduce.

Our schools must remain a top priority to attract development, encourage economic growth and improve our quality of life. Our school funding is currently $2-6,000 less per student than most area school systems and less than we spent a decade ago.

Growing our businesses and diversifying our sources of revenue are critical. I’ll fight to get greater than 21% of our tax dollars back from the state.

We also must do more with what we have. I’ve done that by building a middle school years ahead of schedule and $35 million under budget, while my “Smart Services, Smart Savings” initiative saved taxpayers over a million dollars.

As your Supervisor, I will use my MBA, finance skills, detailed budget knowledge and well-earned reputation for bringing folks together to leverage efficiencies and savings in our budgets. I’ll do an intensive line-of-business review to focus priorities and cut costs. And throughout, I will fight for Mt. Vernon’s fair share.

How many hours a week of outside employment do you anticipate while serving on the Board of Supervisors?

For the past 12 years, I’ve worked two full-time jobs – as the business partner of my healthcare company and as your school board member. I regularly leave home before 7am and return around midnight. I’ve maintained this schedule because I have a passion for our community, am committed to bringing folks together and am willing to do the hard work to get things done.

As Supervisor, I’ll maintain that same level of commitment to our community while ending my daily business involvement so that I can be your full-time Supervisor.

The needs we have are too real, the challenges we face too many and the opportunities too great to treat this position as a 9-to-5 job. And I don’t work that way either! As your Supervisor, I will continue my daily community engagements – from Board, community and association meetings to community activities and events. I’ll also continue my tradition of holding office hours throughout the district on evenings and weekends.