Fairfax County Board of Supervisors–Dranesville: John Foust (D)

Question & Answer


Town of residence: McLean

Age: 64

Family: Married to Dr. Marilyn Jerome Foust. We have two sons, Matthew and Patrick

Education: BA in Economics (Univ. of Pittsburgh); Master’s degree in Business Administration (W.Va. College of Graduate Studies); Law degree (George Washington Univ.)

Offices held, dates: Dranesville District Supervisor, January 2008 to Present.

Occupation and relevant experience: Current: full-time County Supervisor. Prior: 30 years in private law practice and 8 years as investment analyst with large public utility.

Community involvement: Current: County Supervisor since 2008 working 60 to 80 hours per week to represent my community. Prior: McLean Citizens Association (President); Fairfax County Environmental Quality Advisory Council (Legislative Committee Chair); Fairfax County Medical Care for Children Partnership Advisory Council (Advocacy Committee Chair); Cub Master of Cub Scout Pack 1134 (4 years); Chairman of the Change District of the Boy Scouts of America (3 years); McLean Planning Committee (President); Member of two Citizen Advisory Committees to the Fairfax County School Board; Youth Soccer Coach; Timberly South Homeowners Association Board Member.

Website: www.foustforsupervisor.com

Email address: SupervisorFoust@gmail.com

Twitter handle: @johnfoustva

Name three favorite endorsements: Fairfax Education Association (“Teacher Endorsed”); Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce’s NOVABIZPAC; Fairfax County Professional Firefighters and Paramedics.


What is one issue that defines your call to serve, why does it matter, and how will you tackle it?

Our most important obligation is to provide our youth with a first class education. They will be competing in a 21st Century knowledge-based economy where the quality and extent of their education will be key to their success. Great schools also matter because a great school system supports property values for all residents and because good employers prefer to locate near great schools. I have been endorsed by 10 members of the School Board and the Fairfax Education Association (“Teacher Endorsed”) because I am an effective advocate for our schools and because I work cooperatively with both the School Board and our teachers. I increased school funding by $240 million per year since taking office. I will continue to fight for adequate school funding, teacher pay raises, and I will continue to work with the School Board to help address the many challenges our schools face.

What distinguishes you from your opponent(s) and why should voters choose you?

I am the only candidate with an extensive record as a civic leader before my election to the Board of Supervisors. I also have 8 very productive years of experience on the Board, where I have demonstrated that I listen to my constituents, provide leadership on the issues that affect their lives, and deliver great results for them. I have a track record of working to strengthen, diversify and grow our local economy; fund essential services in a fiscally responsible manner; support our schools; and, deliver real transportation solutions like Dulles Rail and Route 7 widening. This election should not be about partisan agendas and political ambitions. It should be about who has the best record serving our community. Fairfax County and the Fairfax County Public Schools face serious challenges. We need proven leaders who listen to their constituents and deliver results for them. I have proven that I am that leader.

More than half of the county budget is devoted to the local school system. A significant budget gap looms for the next budget cycle, both for FCPS and Fairfax County. What are the top county priorities and how will you assure funding and manage the budget? What ideas do you have for increasing revenue? Name two areas/items you would cut or reduce.

Budgets should reflect a community’s priorities. Education funding has been the community’s, and our Board’s, number one funding priority — 53% of the County’s budget funds our schools.

During my 8 years in office, I have handled the significant fiscal challenges caused by a terrible recession as well as significant state and federal budget cuts. As Chairman of the Board’s Audit Committee and Vice-chairman of the Board’s Budget Committee, I have saved us millions in spending and made government more efficient and accountable to taxpayers. I kept the tax burden on homeowners affordable while protecting the County’s Triple A bond rating and ensuring that critical programs and services, like education and public safety, are funded.

I am Chairman of the Board’s Economic Advisory Commission. To increase County revenues, I am working with the County’s partners in the business community, civic leaders, academia, non-profits and regional partners to implement the County’s strategic plan for economic success. As a Board, we are also working to generate more revenue for the County by advocating for the County’s fair share from the state.

Regarding possible cuts, since the recession in 2008, the Board of Supervisors has cut many costs and increased efficiencies in county government. The School Board has done the same for the schools. Going forward, our best opportunities for significant additional cost savings will require both Boards working together to consolidate support functions found in both county and school departments. I have specific proposals to consolidate and cut costs by sharing systems for Human Services, computer operations and IT support, social work, mental health services, building maintenance, capital projects and transportation services.

How many hours a week of outside employment do you anticipate while serving on the Board of Supervisors?
