Board of Supervisors–Chairman: Sharon Bulova (D)

Question & Answer


Town of residence: Fairfax

Age: 67

Family: Married. Between my husband and I we have four adult children and seven grandchildren.

Education: AAS Degree in Business Management from Northern VA Community College, attended business classes, UVA evening program, previously held Real Estate license

Offices held, dates: Elected Braddock (then called Annandale) District Supervisor in 1987. In February 2009 elected Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. Re-elected in 2011.

Occupation and relevant experience: I am a full time Chairman. Prior to elected office I held positions in business.

Community involvement: I came to local government through my work as Civic Association president of Kings Park West. I have been a member of the Annandale Rotary, how serving as an honorary member. I am a founder of Faith Communities in Action and collaborated on two community history projects: A Look Back at Braddock and the Asian American History Project.


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Name three favorite endorsements: FEA (Fairfax Education Association), Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce, Sierra Club


What is one issue that defines your call to serve, why does it matter, and how will you tackle it?

I love local government and feel strongly about community engagement. In my roles as Braddock Supervisor and now Chairman I have been committed to making sure our community is at the table with local government to participate in resolving issues and addressing our challenges. A major challenge right now is the sluggish recovery we are experiencing from the Great Recession. My goal is to strike the right balance between maintaining taxes that are affordable to our residents while investing what is needed to ensure a world class school system, safe streets and neighborhoods, compassionate human services, a clean environment and quality of life services like libraries and our fantastic park system.

What distinguishes you from your opponent(s) and why should voters choose you?

I have the experience, the commitment and the enthusiasm to serve as Fairfax County’s chairman. I believe I have the collaborative skill set needed to lead our Board and our community on an even, positive course.

More than half of the county budget is devoted to the local school system. A significant budget gap looms for the next budget cycle, both for FCPS and Fairfax County. What are the top county priorities and how will you assure funding and manage the budget? What ideas do you have for increasing revenue? Name two areas/items you would cut or reduce.

Education continues to be my highest priority. It is however, not my only priority. It is critical that we continue to be the safest jurisdiction of our size in the U.S. and that we maintain the quality of life our residents value. Beginning in January our newly elected Board will engage in a multi-year Lines of Business process to examine all of our services in order to identify opportunities for efficiencies and savings. We have invited the School Board to participate with us in this process. I am hopeful that, working together, we will find new ways to economize on resources and improve on the delivery of services to families and students.

How many hours a week of outside employment do you anticipate while serving on the Board of Supervisors?

I am a full time Chairman. I work well over 40 hours per week plus countless hours of community and regional activities.