Letter: ‘Ready on Day One’

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

This spring, we had the chance to share the stage with each other and Dan Storck as we sought the Democratic nomination for Mount Vernon District supervisor. Throughout the sometimes spirited debate of the primary, it became clear that we all shared some common values that far overshadowed our differences. That’s why we think it is so important to support Dan Storck for supervisor.

Dan is the only candidate for Mount Vernon District supervisor that has the skills, experience and vision to keep our communities moving forward. Dan will be ready on day one to take the baton from Supervisor Gerry Hyland.

As School Board member, Dan has built or funded five new and 18 Mount Vernon-related school additions/renovations, while his initiatives saved taxpayers millions of dollars, improved student health, and vastly increased the number of students’ taking advanced courses and getting job-ready skills certifications to help them find good paying jobs.

We know that as our supervisor, Dan will:

  • Continue to revitalize Route 1 with high quality economic development attracting businesses that will create jobs, stimulate our economic growth, improve our quality of life and help move Mount Vernon forward.
  • Fight to fully fund Mount Vernon’s public schools so that our teachers have resources competitive with other school systems around us and enable our students to reach their full potential.
  • Work with community groups to empower our senior citizens to remain in their homes.
  • Forcefully advocate to fix our traffic and transit issues and extend the Yellow Line as soon as possible.

We believe that Dan is the leader we need now. That’s why we’re asking all of our neighbors to join us in supporting his campaign for Mount Vernon District supervisor.

Candice Bennett

Jack Dobbyn

Tim Sargeant