Mount Vernon Politics: Surovell’s Endorsements

The Virginia Professional Fire Fighters and Police Benevolent Association endorsed Scott Surovell in the 36th Senate District.

The Virginia Professional Fire Fighters issued a statement saying, “Delegate Surovell has shown great leadership in fighting for issues concerning the safety of Virginia's citizens and for those who provide that safety. We feel Delegate Surovell will continue to see firefighters and paramedics have the resources and support they need to protect not only their families but all families in the Commonwealth.”

The Virginia Police Benevolent Association is a division of the Southern States Police Benevolent Association. It is a not-for-profit professional organization dedicated to improving the law enforcement profession and consists of full-time or retired employees of the various federal, state, county and municipal law enforcement and correctional agencies in Virginia.

The Virginia Professional Fire Fighters is an association of local unions of the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF), representing career professional firefighters and paramedics in Virginia. VPFF Members are fire fighters, fire officers, hazardous material specialists, 911 dispatchers and paramedics.

Delegate Surovell has also been endorsed by Virginia Education Association, Sierra Club, Planned Parenthood of Virginia, Virginia NARAL, Virginia League of Conservation Voters, Virginia NOW, and American Federation of Teachers.