Letter: Capable Leader

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Karen Corbett Sanders is uniquely qualified to represent Mt. Vernon on the Fairfax County School Board. As an involved parent of three teens here, I believe we need her confident, capable voice there for us.

Karen gained firsthand experience with FCPS while shepherding two daughters from kindergarten through high school graduation: PTA president (elementary and high school), Odyssey of the Mind coach, Booster board member, and current chair on the Advanced Academic Programs Advisory Committee (AAPAC). Her leadership extends further still – check it out at www.karen4schools.com. Karen’s skillful leadership is clearly honed from her successful executive career as Verizon’s vice president of international policy and senior associate at Booz Allen.

It doesn’t take long to realize this soft-spoken, confident candidate is a passionate force for our schools. Karen brings her steely business acumen to the table with an uncanny knowledge of the budget. She has a track record of finding innovative solutions — as chair of the AAPAC, she advocated for increasing academy programs, and she introduced mutually beneficial partnerships for West Potomac High School with Inova and Burke & Herbert.

Karen’s grasp of the budget is impressive, as is her smart approach in the battle for our fair share. I urge you to meet Karen. Send her an email, call her on the phone, attend a local Meet and Greet — see the events calendar on her website for details, www.karen4schools.com.

Don’t miss the School Board debate between Karen and Anthony Stacy, her opponent for the Mt. Vernon seat, on Wednesday, Oct. 14, 7-9 p.m., at the Hollin Hall Senior Center.

I have a vested interest in this election, just as you do. There are complicated budget issues and decisions at stake, and we need a smart, savvy leader. Karen Corbett Sanders will give our schools a loud, active voice on the School Board, and she has my vote. Please be sure to vote on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 3.

Susan Fleischman
