Letter: Herrity is Silent

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

One of the most pressing issues facing the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors is our proposed appointment of a Citizen Review Panel that would accept and investigate citizen allegations to the Chief of Police and/or the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors. While a majority of the Board of Supervisors have gone on record as favoring our proposal, there is a minority that have ignored it including Supervisor Pat Herrity. His refusal to address this issue is a perfect example of dereliction of duty by an elected public official. In Supervisor Herrity’s district there have been several incidents where the police have shot and killed unarmed citizens without justification or provocation. Our own Supervisor Hyland has also ignored our proposal. This would clearly indicate Supervisor Herrity’s disregard for the safety of his constituents. Hopefully he will soon speak up and reveal how he feels about these despicable acts. For him to remain silent is unconscionable. We have asked Supervisor Herrity about his feelings and opinion regarding this issue. He has failed to respond to our request. The question is why?

Nicholas R. Beltrante

Executive Director

Virginia Citizens Coalition for Police Accountability, Inc.