Mount Vernon: Grant to Promote Tourism in Peru

The Running Strong for American Indian Youth board of directors approved a $16,000 grant request to promote cultural tourism and economic development in a remote area of Peru. Running Strong for American Indian Youth is located at 8301 Richmond Highway, Suite 200.

On Sept. 19, Lucio Ylla, accompanied by Jose Barreiro, Ph. D., director of the Office of Latin America at the National Museum of the American Indian, gave a presentation to the Running Strong for American Indian Youth board of directors explaining a plan for the Quechua people in southern Peru to draw tourists to visit their village for a week to learn more about their culture and traditions.

To do that, however, they need to have suitable accommodations for the visitors.

Ylla, vice president of the Association for the Inter-ethnic Educational and Cultural Development, explained that the organization is seeking $16,000 to renovate four homes, at a cost of $4,000 each, with each homeowner matching the grant with an additional $2,000, to retrofit their homes for the tourists to include electricity and running water.

On Monday, Sept. 28, the Running Strong for American Indian Youth board voted to approve the $16,000 grant request.

Paul Krizek, Running Strong for American Indian Youth general counsel, said, “Running Strong for American Indian Youth is proud to support the Quechua people of Chawaytiri in their mission towards economic self-sufficiency.”