Mount Vernon: Voting ‘Slow But Steady’ at West Potomac

Doris McBryde of Mount Vernon had a simple goal as chief election officer at the West Potomac High School polling center: “Get people to vote, as expeditiously as possible.”

McBryde began serving as an election officer in 2008 and progressed up the ranks to become chief. Improving voter experience is a primary objective, she said, so voters feel positive and encouraged to come back and vote again.

“Any time we don’t have 100 percent turnout,” McBryde said on Nov. 3, “I’m slightly disappointed.”

The location of the voting site within the school changed for 2015 from previous years, to a classroom on a different end of the school so voters can enter from one door and exit directly outside from another. It also provides better access for voters with physical handicaps.

McBryde had assistance from election page Elham Mohaba, a sophomore at Thomas Edison High School. Mohaba signed up through her government class and is considering going into politics later in life.

“We talked about the importance of local elections,” McBryde said. “This is your sidewalks, your schools, your parks.”