Fairfax County: Hough Edges Incumbent Velkoff for Third At-Large School Board Seat

Fairfax resident Jeanette Hough said her race for the Fairfax County School Board started with a phone call to Springfield District representative to the board Elizabeth Schultz. “What are we going to do about the school board?” Hough remembers asking. “We’re being ignored as parents and taxpayers.”

Hough recalled Schultz saying some fresh faces on the board might make a difference. “I said I would host an interest meeting,” Hough said, while standing victorious at the podium of the Fairfax County Republican Committee election results viewing party. “And here we are.”

With 80,006, or 16.32 percent of the unofficial results vote, Hough finished behind incumbents Ilryong Moon with 17.13 percent and Ryan McElveen with 16.94 percent, but ahead of the third incumbent Ted Velkoff, who ended up with 15.26 percent of the vote. The top three of a field of nine candidates will serve on the School Board.

“I’m going to make sure we protect parents’ rights,” Hough said, “to be the primary educators of their children, and to get the fiscal house in order, so that we live within our means.”

School Board candidates finished as follows: Moon, McElveen and Hough, then Velkoff, Robert Copeland - 74,509 - 15.20%, Manar Jean-Jacques - 57,102 - 11.65%, Peter Marchetti - 12,903 - 2.63%, Omar Fateh - 11,822 - 2.41%, Burnette Scarboro - 10,617 - 2.17%, Write-in - 1,442 - .29%.