Mount Vernon High School Turns 75

The Michael M. Skinner Field House at Mount Vernon High School was transformed into a ballroom on Saturday evening, May 16, for the school’s 75th anniversary dinner and gala.

Forty-three members of the school community were honored. The list included Brittany Amerau, Mickey Bowers, Eric Brent, Suzanne Briar, Larry Carpenter, Eugene Coleman III, William H. Davis Jr., Chadwick Eason, Ken Falke, Dean Gates, Dorothy M. Gricher, Randy Hinson Jr., Thomas Hyer, Gerry Hyland, Eric Hyman, Paul Jenkins, Paula A. Johnson, Joyce H. Jones, Sandy Keim, Albert Lawrence, Ran Lawrence, Edward B. Lowry, Edith Mayo, Phebe Novakovic, Allison J. Ocean, Jennifer Ocean, Bruce Patrick, Scott Perkins, Tony Perkins, Carolyn Pierce, Lea Gabrielle Potts, Scott Price, Jeff Queen, Rex Reiley, Charles Robb, Stan Schoonover, Eric Schwartz, Michael M. Skinner, Mary Jane Thornton, Calanthia Tucker, Jay Walker, Paul A. Wardinski and Justin Wilkes.

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