Column: Why I Am Running for the 36th District Senate Seat


We need a senator in Richmond who will work with both parties to solve problems; with a track record of cutting taxes and providing economic opportunity for all, a commitment to open and transparent government, and a willingness to represent the "entire" district equally, which includes Fairfax, Prince William and Stafford counties

As the mayor of Dumfries, I have seen first-hand how state policies can help and how they can hurt. I have seen the effects of big government, a lack of transparency and complacency statewide. As senator I will firmly reject the status quo, work collaboratively for greater transparency, innovation and empowerment and be a voice for necessary reform.

I will work to forge powerful and lasting coalitions across the political aisle in order to craft common sense legislation that provides solutions to the issues facing Virginians. Government is not the recipe by which everything can be made right — nor should it be. As senator, I will work to make headway on economic growth, transportation initiatives, ensuring pensions are funded, affordable education, and strategic long-term fiscal planning.

I am a politician committed to always placing the citizens’ interests first. The market and people should drive the economy not government manipulation and interference. We need elected officials that work for their constituents and representatives in Richmond that can say "no" to the federal government when it offers shiny new, feel-good programs, but no money to pay for them.

“Business as usual" in Richmond is clearly not serving the taxpayers in our district. Continuing to ignore our state’s problems and underfund programs that are essential to the creation of good-paying jobs, while siphoning more of our savings through ever-rising fees and taxes is destructive to our economy and our communities. It drives growth away from our state.

The philosophical foundations in Richmond must change. The people should choose how to spend their hard earned dollars, not the government. While it is essential that government has a revenue base to fulfill its obligations, our state government in Richmond has now adopted a “feed-the-beast” mentality where excessive spending requires rising taxes and runaway debt to pay for it. This will only stop if we force the politicians to change, or vote them out of office when they refuse to do so. As senator, I will unapologetically fight for pro-growth policies and limited governmental regulation allowing the unrestricted flow of capital, labor and ideas. I am confident that when given the opportunity to vote for a candidate who brings a message of fiscal and individual responsibility, the voters of this district will take it. My candidacy brings that opportunity. I am not naïve — I won’t win every battle, but the battle must be joined.

Every election is about the future and this race will be no different. I want to build a Virginia that challenges citizens to change their communities for the better. We need more people in the legislature who can identify what is right with our state and build on its strengths to make it better, and not just identify what is wrong and criticize it. Together, let’s fight for the values that Northern Virginians hold dear. There is much work to do for our state. I look forward to earning your support and your vote, and promise that you will always know where I stand; I stand with you!