Letter: TC Field Lights Still a Bad Idea

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Over the last year, the Alexandria School Board and concerned citizens have spent a great deal of time in trying to investigate and comment on this issue. The problems with this issue include, but are not limited to: 1) The Development Special Use Permit (DSUP) #2013-0014 of Dec. 14, 2013 clearly indicates that “no permanent stadium light shall be installed at the School stadium ... except as to allow for lighted tennis courts..”; 2) Amending DSUP 2002-0044, Condition #85 is another assault on the surrounding communities next to and near the school stadium; 3) Efforts to enforce or maintain security and area outdoor maintenance (aka cleanup) is consistently insufficient and ineffective — lights will aggravate this problem; and, 4) with increasing city-wide financial deficit, the cost of the lights to include installation and green buffers are a costly venture.

The Seminary communities are the ones at risk with property devaluation and noise pollution. Due to the sheer height of the lights, results in the inability of the residents to filter out the lights into their yards and homes. The city is also at risk at a time when it is trying to cut costs and manage its debt. How can we realistically spend anywhere from $1M – 2M or more for lighting to have nighttime games? The school has operated effectively for many, many years without them with the benefit of a safer school and community. The emphasis is totally misplaced on this issue — seek to improve academic scores and readiness of the students for the future; seek to inspire the students through academics and real world challenges.

I say no light at T.C. Williams High School Stadium.

Carol Johnson

Seminary area, Alexandria