Letter: Where Is Ray Morrogh?

Letter to the Editor

Natasha McKenna, a 37-year-old African-American mother of a young daughter, while a prisoner in the Fairfax County jail, was shot at least four times with taser stun guns by sheriff’s deputies. She rapidly lost consciousness and five days later died. At the time of the incident, it was reported she was shackled with a hood covering her head. The 5 foot 130-pound woman’s death raises questions. How much fight could have been in her to resist six sheriff’s deputies assigned to an elite squad specializing in dealing with a woman diagnosed with mental illness? Was it necessary use of force? Was there no other tactical option available?

The next question: Why has fairfax County Commonwealth’s Attorney Raymond Morrogh remained silent regarding this incident? Will this be a repeat of the John Geer shooting death by a fairfax County police officer? Geer was shot and killed on Aug. 29, 2013 while standing in the doorway of his Springfield home with his hands held above his head when the police officer without justification or provocation shot Geer resulting in his death. Commonwealth’s Attorney Morrogh remained silent for 18 months until a few weeks ago he referred the matter to a grand jury., Many citizens in Fairfax County are asking: Why the wait? Is this dereliction of duty or malfeasance or prosecutorial misconduct?

As an elected official, the citizens of Fairfax County must remember this when Morrogh seeks re-election as the Commonwealth’s Attorney for Fairfax County. In the interest of justice, many feel Morrogh does not deserve to remain in office.

Nicholas R. Beltrante

Executive Director

Citizens Coalition for Police Accountability, Inc.