Mount Vernon: New Commander at District Station

Captain Shawn Martin oversees Mount Vernon.

This month the Fairfax County Police Department promoted Lieutenant Shawn Martin to captain and assigned him as the new commander of the Mount Vernon District Station. The former U.S. Marine began his career with the Fairfax County Police at the Mount Vernon District station. Martin is married with three children.

“I am ecstatic about this promotion and assignment to Mount Vernon, where I first began my law enforcement career,” Martin said. “Mount Vernon area is a challenging assignment which I very much look forward to. Our doors are always open to anyone who wants to come in and meet with me or other members of our police force.”

He began his career in law enforcement in 1990. His prior tenure in the U.S. Marine Corps included Presidential support duties as a military police officer.

Past assignments with the Fairfax County Police included: patrol officer; tactical flight officer/paramedic; patrol supervisor; and canine handler/supervisor. Currently his other police work includes assignment on a committee responsible for implementing a community-based Restorative Justice program in Fairfax County. This program offers participating police officers an opportunity to work with first time juvenile offenders to help prevent them from further involvement in the criminal justice system.

His education includes: Graduate of the U.S. military’s basic Law Enforcement Academy; graduate of the Fairfax County Criminal Justice Academy, and Bachelor of Science in criminal justice, minor in business, Liberty University. He is presently enrolled in a Master of Science in criminal justice and public administration curriculum at Liberty University.

Martin’s Mount Vernon District Station 2015 Strategic Goals include:

  • Continue to aggressively address criminal complaints, specifically Group A offenses

— 9.7 percent reduction in 2014; goal to continue downward trend

— Reduction of gang activities, including assigning two gang police detectives

— Continued use of local forensic capabilities to improve criminal intelligence analysis.

  • Increase Traffic Enforcement and Safety Education

— Continue to address reckless and aggressive driving

— Establish a new traffic complaint Inbox.

— Step up pedestrian traffic safety efforts; including publication and placement of signs, pamphlets; and reaching out to community groups

  • Continue to Expand Community Engagement

— Neighborhood Watch

— Security surveys

— Increased foot patrols in problem communities

— Worship Watch Safety workshop

— Participate as mentors in a Boy Scouts Explorer program for youths, ages 14-21.

Contact information:

  • Captain Shawn C. Martin:

  • Lieutenant Bryan W. Holland: