Letter: Celebrating Marriage Equality

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Today, we rejoice in the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court upholding the federal right of same sex partners to legal marriage in the cases of Obergefell v. Hodges, Tanco v. Haslam, DeBoer v. Snyder, Bourke v. Beshear. We give thanks for the discernment shown by the Justices on this issue and their standing on the side of love. We give thanks that today, for the first time in our nation’s history, the marriages of same sex couples will be legally permitted and legally recognized in all 50 states.

As people of faith, we stand together in the belief that all persons, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity, deserve the civil and human rights recognizing their marriage covenant. We stand together in love and support for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) communities at this momentous time.

However, we must also acknowledge that the struggle for full rights under the law for LGBTQ people is not over. While marriage is now legal for all, LGBTQ civil rights, property rights, and anti-discrimination protection especially for LGBT youth continue to be issues that deserve our attention and our prayers.

We remain together, a diverse community of people of faith, working for the continued progress towards full justice for the LGBTQ communities. And we will remain committed to stand together until our goal is achieved, witnessing each in our own way as we honor our belief that our creator made us in love and created us to love and to be loved.

Blessed be. Toda elohim. Namaste. Thanks be to God.


Signatories: 47 Northern Virginia clergy and faith leaders

Rabbi Joshua Ackerman, Arlington

Rev. Marty Anderson, Commonwealth Baptist Church, Alexandria

Rev. Robin Anderson, Commonwealth Baptist Church, Alexandria

Rev. Allie Rosner Bass, Arlington Temple United Methodist Church, Arlington

Rabbi Lia Bass, Arlington

Rev. Joan Bell-Haynes, United Christian Parish, Reston

The Rev. Jo J. Belser, Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, Alexandria

Rev. Jeanne Brenneis, Arlington

Rev. Jennifer Brooks, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax, Oakton

Rev. Susan Browning

Rev. Madelyn Campbell, Arlington VA

The Rev. Sharon K. Core, Arlington Presbyterian Church, Arlington

The Rev. David M. Crosby, Alexandria

Rev. Kristen Curlee, Bethel United Church of Christ, Arlington

Cynthia Dahlin, Seekers Church, Arlington

Rev. Dr. David Ensign, Clarendon Presbyterian Church, Arlington

Rev. Henry E. “Hank” Fairman, Little River United Church of Christ, Annandale

The Rev. Nancy Fitzgerald, Arlington Church of the Brethren, Arlington

Elizabeth Fogarty, POFEV-Northern Virginia Network, Arlington

Rev. Dr. Jerrold L. Foltz, Wellspring United Church of Christ, Centreville

The Rev. Leslie J. Hague, Arlington

Rev Trish Hall, Center for Spiritual Living - Metro, Arlington

Rev. Russell Heiland, Unity of Fairfax, Oakton

Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax, Oakton

The Rev. Phyllis Hubbell, Loudoun County

Rev. Stephen Hyde, Ravensworth Baptist Church, Annandale

Cantor Jason Kaufman, Beth El Hebrew Congregation, Alexandria

Rev. Jeanette Leisk, Alexandria

Rev. Dr. David B. Lindsey, Little River United Church of Christ, Annandale

Rev. Janet Parsons Mackey, Annandale

The Rev. John Manwell, Loudoun County

Rev. Aaron McEmrys, Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington

Rev. Scott McNeill, Bull Run Unitarian Universalists, Manassas

Kim Moeller, POFEV-Northern Virginia Network, Leesburg

Rev. Amber Henry Neuroth, Hope United Church of Christ, Alexandria

Rev. Dr. Linda Olson Peebles, Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington

Rev. Ron Rising, Emmaus United Church of Christ, Vienna

Rev. Dr. Lisa Rzepka, John Calvin Presbyterian Church, Annandale

Rev. John Shellito, St. George's Episcopal Church, Arlington

Rev. Leslie Nunez Steffensen, Grace Episcopal Church, Alexandria

Rev. Dr. Danny Spears, MCC Northern Virginia, Fairfax

Rev. Mark J Suriano, Rock Spring Congregational United Church of Christ, Arlington Jason Thompson, Bethel United Church of Christ, Arlington

Shelly Thompson, Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington

The Rev. Heather VanDeventer, Alexandria

Rev. Rob Vaughn, Herndon

The Very Rev. Shearon Sykes Williams, Saint George's Episcopal Church, Arlington